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  1. millosevic

    Curing Question....

    thanks, actually already seems a bit better - bit of an odd smell still, but has calmed down a little... as always patience is the key...
  2. millosevic

    Curing Question....

  3. millosevic

    Curing Question....

    Well i have researched plenty and am aware that a good cure can take some time.... I have manicured, then hung up for 6 days until stems snap, now in glass jars with a daily 20 min burp. about a week into the curing process... smells not great, is this a fairly normal thing at this point, is...
  4. millosevic

    500 lbs of marijuana found on tour bus

    £500 as in British Pounds in currency maybe, 500lb no way, you could fit the tour bus inside a bag that big... duffle-icious
  5. millosevic

    HiJack - creation of a mad man

    :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: FDD, fabulous looking plants....
  6. millosevic

    Looking for guys that use the 200Watt monster CFL's

    i use a monster 300W dual spectrum CFL along with a 250W HPS and a couple of 18W Cfl's as side lighting - first time with this setup and so far so good. 300W CFL vertical on a little homemade stand with 4 plants huddled around it and hps shining down... In your setup, i'd probably use the...
  7. millosevic

    2nd attempt

    3 fans for a little mite like that might be overkill?? a light breeze is what you are after.. I'm sure it'll be fine though - you can build up soil around the base of the stem and that may help but your coathanger should do the trick.. and as mentioned above, get your lights close but not so...
  8. millosevic

    LPS lighting (not HPS)... anyone ever used them??

    Many thanks, think i might have to make an addition to my setup - 2nd hand £10 each (250W i think but need to check) - a couple of them are worth a purchase... i'll post results as to how effective they prove to be...
  9. millosevic

    LPS lighting (not HPS)... anyone ever used them??

    I have looked up what i can find - not much and very contradictary. Yes, you can grow to good effect No you cant... seems to be what i have uncovered - one of you knowledgable chaps or chapesses out there must have an inkling...
  10. millosevic

    LPS lighting (not HPS)... anyone ever used them??

    I have come across some VERY cheap Low pressure sodium lamps and am curious to know if they would work, i already have an HPS and use in conjuction with a 300W CFL Dual Spectrum and am happy with results - but more light = more bud/.... Does anyone know if LPS lighting can be used to good...
  11. millosevic

    6/12 bud

    I'm not saying that i'd advise it but there are those who would disagree - look up polyphasic sleep - there is a whole range of routines (uberman is one) I believe it is a bitch to adjust to, but some people (nutters mostly) swear by it. NASA has also experimented with this and i believe that it...
  12. millosevic

    Ganjalist 1st time Grow:- Skunk Hybrids - Soil

    i am no expert, but learning more all the time - looks good so far - foil not a great long term solution, but it sounds like you know that.. more light, more bud (but mind the heat issues) if you are going cfl all the way then get more, they are cheap and will be worth it - HPS is worth the...
  13. millosevic

    Hello from Korea~!

    welcome to RIU!
  14. millosevic


    this is tiresome... Billy, go away and take your puerile, homophobic comments with you... it isn't funny, just makes it clear to everyone that you are a stupid child.
  15. millosevic

    is nocturn3 the biggest loser on riu

    Billy, sort it out, you are coming across as a prick or a 12 yr old - grow up...
  16. millosevic


    Billy, grow up - contribute and people will give you +rep, act like a 12 yr old and people won't - simple really...
  17. millosevic

    Is distilled water worse for germing seeds in towel?

    Agreed... I do exactly this with a small upside down bowl placed over the top to ensure darkness, occasionally sprinkle with a little water. Approx 95% success. - Well so far anyway. Good luck!
  18. millosevic

    first grow can anyone give me any information?

    Have a read through here: Best of luck!
  19. millosevic

    How do you get Picachu on a bus?

    Poke im on... :bigjoint:
  20. millosevic


    "We are looking to corner the market in NYC." - good luck, can't really see it, but who knows, you could be the real deal. Kind of hope so, It would be interesting to see that many plants going, happy trimming come harvest time... Lol