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  1. B

    Please help is this a deficiency or something else going on?

    Not an expert but your in budding stage looks like you are having a deficiency of shorts I say more p and k deficiency
  2. B

    Is this rust?

    Not an expert but kinda does look like some kinda fungus would treat with a fungicide Here is a pic of a plant with rust I found in rollitup threads I goggled (rust fungus weed plants) and it was the first thing that came up
  3. B

    A question about ventilation...

    I have read that it is best to vent stright outside instead of dumping that air in the same room as your tent and using a second filter indoors. I would be taking advantage of that window and dumping your air outside
  4. B

    First timer needs help what deficiency is this ?

    I have read this before and forgot about it thk you for the reminder. If that's the case then I already up my nutrient feed so I will back off on the cal/mag for now I know sound backwards if i think i got a cal/mag deficiency one thing at a time
  5. B

    First timer needs help what deficiency is this ?

    Would giving more of the week bloon nutes balance out while cutting back on the veg nutes
  6. B

    First timer needs help what deficiency is this ?

    That was kinda my plan was worried about the nitrogen level in the cal/mag plus as it's a nute and am has no value of 2-0-0
  7. B

    First timer needs help what deficiency is this ?

    My ppm of the tap water I use before adding anything to it is 150ppm thats after it sits out for a day or two. I have started a foliar spry with cal/mag plus botanicare 1ml per litter ph to 6.3
  8. B

    First timer needs help what deficiency is this ?

    Ok so just fed the two ladies. Up my nutrient leval to 2.0ml a litter and tested the ppm. My mix before watering sits at 590ppm. My run off is between 650 720ppm on two plants with soil ph at 6.4 and 6.5
  9. B

    First timer needs help what deficiency is this ?

    Today is a feed day for the ladies I am at 1.5ml nutes at a litter of water. I am going to up bye 0.05ml bringing it to a total of 2.0ml a litter. will see this through will post pics in upcoming days weeks as I want to start budding soon
  10. B

    First timer needs help what deficiency is this ?

    I started out with autos and the guy at the store said these nutes are good for auto so I always thought maybe only for auto as I could never find an answer to that question is it good line for all around growing.
  11. B

    First timer needs help what deficiency is this ?

    I also did a foliar spry one time this week with cal/mag plus botanicare my thought on my problem was cal/mag but wasn't sure
  12. B

    First timer needs help what deficiency is this ?

    I am using promix hp soil. My feed scheduled if this what you mean is water then feed then water and so on every 4to5 days I don't let them go past 5 days without water. As for my nutrient numbers I waited till plants where 3/4weeks old started my nutrient at 0.05 ml and every feed went up a bit...
  13. B

    First timer needs help what deficiency is this ?

    I always thought my nutrient line was a bit weak for photopierd
  14. B

    BUSHY plant. Where to prune? Time to prune? Too early? Help please

    I wouldn't take leaves off:leaf:low stress train her
  15. B

    Anybody know what this is?

    Yup that's a Male
  16. B

    First timer needs help what deficiency is this ?

    I believe this is my nutrient feed chart. I was led to this line of nutrient for growing autoflowers thought it would be ok for photopierd was worried tho. Don't know how to edit click on links sorry
  17. B

    First timer needs help what deficiency is this ?

    my nutrient is an organic line green planet Medi one 4-3-3 I have kinda but not really followed the chart That's kinda good you say this as I started a foliar feed with cal/mag plus botanicare I mix 1ml per litter of water then ph to 6.3 then i feed. I started this 2days ago and going to spry...
  18. B

    First timer needs help what deficiency is this ?

    first timer cheap lights off Amazon 69.99$ lol 600watt blue/red led bloom/veg switch running with both on 18/6 on /off nute line was recommended for autos but thought would be ok for photopierd
  19. B

    First timer needs help what deficiency is this ?

    That's about what I do for watering as for fans got a few I think I am good there hope anyways