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  1. S

    Would I be okay to use all these nutrients ?

    Please elaborate!!!! I am in awe by this picture. By elaborate I mean are you referring to general hydroponics Maxi series? How do you use Epsom salt in coco? That's new to me. is your nutrient solution aerated? Have you ever used or looked into dissolved oxygen additives?
  2. S

    Would I be okay to use all these nutrients ?

    I thought I was going to be an expert grower my first time. I started out trying to grow in soil and DWC at the same time. I had something like 10 plants in a 10 gallon reservoir (fail) and 10 plants in 1 gallon fabric grow bags (overkill). I imagine all the experienced growers are currently...
  3. S

    Plant training help needed (beginner)

    You crack me up. Do you know what theft means? Lol the action of taking something that is not yours with out permission. Last I checked growing a plant or not doesn't change weather or not the kid took the plant or not lol. He's a young dude who got his karma in my opinion when he learned your...
  4. S

    Should racism be accepted if......

    Def have noticed how everyone seems to be way to sensitive lately I guess after my "friends" stole literally thousands of dollars of shit over my life time I learned if I didn't keep my shit locked up then it's my own fault for getting robbed. I don't steal from people. people no longer steal...
  5. S

    Plant training help needed (beginner)

    My mind set is what you do is none of my business.
  6. S

    Should racism be accepted if......

    I'm scrolling thru threads looking for something relevant to the reasons I joined this site and see "should racism be acceptable if..." And all I can think is WTF. Thats gotta be the most ignorant thing I have ever read. I may be new here but I wasn't born yesterday. IDGAF what color anyone is...
  7. S

    Should racism be accepted if......

    Wtf does this have to do with weed or growing? If you wanna talk about politics and current social controversy go back to Facebook.
  8. S

    Plant training help needed (beginner)

    Well good for you. I call it come up. Some of us just gotta know when to take advantage of a situation that's gonna benefit us. If it's gonna not only gonna cut for cost me but possibly even turn a profit. Sweet.
  9. S

    Plant training help needed (beginner)

    I'm not a bro dude lmao Lol and I was kinda hoping that would start to happen and the problem would resolve itself or atleast that would show which is stronger and tell me which to kill.
  10. S

    Plant training help needed (beginner)

    Not sure how it would be my fault unless I told him "hey go jack someone's plants." I was asked if I could care for them. He offered to buy all the needed supplies which would be more then enough for his plants which presents the opportunity to my plants. So basically I didn't have to pay for...
  11. S

    Plant training help needed (beginner)

    I was kinda hoping that was going to happen a long time ago and then the issue would have resolved itself without me having to slaughter the poor thing. It just feels so wrong! Lol
  12. S

    Plant training help needed (beginner)

    This is the 3rd plant that I mentioned I managed to separate. I am getting ready to transplant them along with mine into their final pots which are fabric. Planning to do so tomorrow. But should I kill the one and wait to transplant for a couple days or transplant them together then cut the...
  13. S

    Plant training help needed (beginner)

    Like I said someone else asked me to grow these for them when I was getting ready to start my babies. He doesn't know anything about growing. From what I was told it came from some old school hippy guy that he knew who had just started like 50 of them. (Not sure if he ment 50 plants or 50 cups)...
  14. S

    Plant training help needed (beginner)

    That's really neat. Does that benefit the living plant? I'm assuming it increases the surface area of the roots allowing for more nutrient up take? that's just a guess.
  15. S

    Plant training help needed (beginner)

    I had 3 plants given to me a month or so ago that were literally all in the same red solo cup. I managed to separate the healthiest from the other 2 but they were so close together and so much smaller I was nervous about trying to separate them so I left them be. Thinking when I could tell if...