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  1. F

    Eggs and bugs in organic soil

    Hello , Today, I found these in my soil. The bug appears to be a nymph of a darkling beetle, and I believe it's normal to find them in my soil since I add darkling beetle poop as nutrients. However, do you think it could pose an issue in my growth, considering I reuse my soil for every...
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    Bud Rot and soil re-usage

    Event with a bud rot issue the last grow ?
  3. F

    Bud Rot and soil re-usage

    Hello , In my previous grow i got 1 bud with bud rot ( Botrytis Cinerea/Grey Mould ) I usually reuse my soil , i’m a organic grower. Do you think that grey mould can colonize the soil ? Can i reuse it or should start with a brand new soil to avoid it in my next grow ?
  4. F

    Worm in my organic soil

    Thanks for the tip, i’ll try it.
  5. F

    Worm in my organic soil

    Hello, I found those tiny worm in my organic soil that i have been used for 4 session culture in a row . Someone know which kind of worm could it be ? Should i worry about it or it’s a beneficial worm ? Thx
  6. F

    Solid calcium organique Growing additif

    How many grams of shells eggs per liter of soil ?
  7. F

    Solid calcium organique Growing additif

    I can't find any of the 2 available in contry :( do you things that can’t use that in my soil ? Chick'N Deluxe® CALCIUM BOOSTER 4Kg.Oyster shell laying hens. Natural mineral product rich in calcium, stimulates egg laying, strengthens the eggshell.
  8. F

    Solid calcium organique Growing additif

    Hello, I’m looking for an organic solid calcium additif to ad in the soil. I seen oysters shell or dolomites lime but i don’t find one 100% organic that can be ship to Europe.
  9. F

    Irrigation system for organic growing

    could you tell me where i tell the answer ?
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    Irrigation system for organic growing

    i'm using dry amendments but i also use organic liquid nut like booster , molasse epsom and so on. Molasses with water will block the tight drip systems. Because i prefer organic, why would you do chimical for a commercial grow ? hahah
  11. F

    Irrigation system for organic growing

    Hello, I’m looking for an irrigation system for organic growing. Drip systems or others, are can't be used in organic growing because they block with organic fertilizers. Do you have any solutions for this kind of culture? I ask that because i'm about to opend a dispensari and i need a...
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    Cannabis analyzer device

    What is that ? how it work
  13. F

    Cannabis analyzer device

    i'm not a breeder , just a guy that looking for THE PERFECT PHENOTYPE of regular seed And the analyze of the thc and terpenes can help chose one
  14. F

    Cannabis analyzer device

    Hello , I would like to buy a device or somethings that can easily analyze weed to get all information about THC terpene and so on. I did some reseach and i have found 2 devices : -MyDX : affordable but seems a bit fake because some people telling that my dx don't really analyze and just...
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    Tip and help for using aéroponique cloner

    Hello, I start to do my clone with a aeropinique cloner X stream. Do you have any tip for the best result ? Water temperature, room temperature , should i use a water cycle (like 5 min on, 5 off) ?, Water PH, or anythings else helpful. Thanks
  16. F

    Can i reuse soil from a previous crop (organic grow) ?

    ok i'll try. Another question , sould i let cook my amedement mix with a bit of ligtmix before i'll add it to te top layer of the pot ?
  17. F

    Can i reuse soil from a previous crop (organic grow) ?

    Hello, I would like reuse the soil from a previous crop. I mean, remove the central roots from the pot and directly replant a plant in it. And add amendments on the top of the pot with cali guano + organic charcoal + fish hydrolyzate + kelp. (btw i'll do another one at the beginning of the flo)...
  18. F

    Using dried/shred cannabis leaves and wood As mulch

    Hello, I grow weed in organic way since 2 years now. In my perpetual quest for improvement, I have used hemp fibre mulch from guano recently( and it was worth it). but i also reading that it will be worth it to add some dried leaf as mulch to feed the soil slowly. so, my question is : can...
  19. F

    Should i harvest ? (trichome pictures)

    Thanks you a lot