I grow weed in organic way since 2 years now.
In my perpetual quest for improvement, I have used hemp fibre mulch from guano recently( and it was worth it).
but i also reading that it will be worth it to add some dried leaf as mulch to feed the soil slowly.
so, my question is : can add somedried/shred cannabis leaves and wood from my previous session as mulch ?
Someone already did it ?
Is it good or not ?
I grow weed in organic way since 2 years now.
In my perpetual quest for improvement, I have used hemp fibre mulch from guano recently( and it was worth it).
but i also reading that it will be worth it to add some dried leaf as mulch to feed the soil slowly.
so, my question is : can add somedried/shred cannabis leaves and wood from my previous session as mulch ?
Someone already did it ?
Is it good or not ?