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  1. ChildoftheCosmos

    So it has been in flower for quite some time now, not sure when to chop

    Harvested, smells like train wreck after breaking it up after going straight into brown bag to dry for a couple days, has that sort of passion fruit smell that some strains have when smelling the bud up close before breaking up
  2. ChildoftheCosmos

    So it has been in flower for quite some time now, not sure when to chop

    Dude i took one nug off and the underside had some brownish areas and I was plucking it off before throwing it into a paper bag and there were tiny seeds????? Lol I guess I'll harvest the 3 best looking nugs within the next week and let the rest just fill up with seeds for experimental grows
  3. ChildoftheCosmos

    So it has been in flower for quite some time now, not sure when to chop

    Thanks for feedback, I can't do anything about the temperature, I'm just trying to do best I can with a simple grow. I heard of people using the same nutes I use in soil and it's fine. I think where I messed up this time is I used nutes almost every watering, with my blue dream grow I watered...
  4. ChildoftheCosmos

    So it has been in flower for quite some time now, not sure when to chop

    I basically showed a whole plant pic, it's the one where you can see the top is pointing downwards, I don't need that much insight, was just curious if it is ready to chop yet. I'm gonna give it a few more weeks to see how it does. It's only 5 nutes I'm using, it's not much at all, the plant...
  5. ChildoftheCosmos

    So it has been in flower for quite some time now, not sure when to chop

    It's grown in 100% happy frog soil with Humboldts secret nutes, base a&b, flower stacker, golden tree, sweet and sticky, I think it might need some cal mag, if I do another grow after this I'm definitely getting some. I only grow one to two plants at a time and leave only the highest bud sites...
  6. ChildoftheCosmos

    So it has been in flower for quite some time now, not sure when to chop

    Some more up close pics from yesterday
  7. ChildoftheCosmos

    So it has been in flower for quite some time now, not sure when to chop

    Oh yea it's hot man it's been in the 90s and up ever since it hit flowering, in the beginning weeks before I supercropped, it would smell nice, bit skunky and spicy but ever since I supercropped it doesn't really smell much anymore but the buds did fatten up and grow a lot and put on a bunch of...
  8. ChildoftheCosmos

    So it has been in flower for quite some time now, not sure when to chop

    I just gave it one last nutrient watering, will only give water from here on out, some buds look bit airy yea hopefully they dense up in the final weeks and plump up, blue dream I grew few years ago plumped up a lot during final weeks for some reason
  9. ChildoftheCosmos

    So it has been in flower for quite some time now, not sure when to chop

    Well yea when taking off anything that isn't receiving light it will stunt the growth, along with supercropping i supercropped it 3 times lol you're probably right on that I should have left some of the lower leaves but they wouldn't have been getting much light anyway and the buds themselves...
  10. ChildoftheCosmos

    So it has been in flower for quite some time now, not sure when to chop

    I left all the leaves that go with the bud sites. It sprouted in the beginning of May and has been in flower for probably 3 months now lol it is way overdue. It should have been finished by now but light cycle kept getting interrupted and I had to supercrop it so it wouldn't touch the lights at...
  11. ChildoftheCosmos

    So it has been in flower for quite some time now, not sure when to chop

    Strain is supposed to be alchemy btw cross between chemdawg and querkle
  12. ChildoftheCosmos

    So it has been in flower for quite some time now, not sure when to chop

    I really want to but I don't want to chop early, I had to chop another plant early and I thought it would be dank still even though early but it doesn't smell much after dry and cure lol should be good to smoke rn but might just be some midz quality because chopped too early, when I chopped it...
  13. ChildoftheCosmos

    So it has been in flower for quite some time now, not sure when to chop

    Cool I figured something like that, maybe I can give one more nutrient watering with some extra flower stacker and sweet and sticky juice
  14. ChildoftheCosmos

    So it has been in flower for quite some time now, not sure when to chop

    It's almost 6 feet tall with only the top 15 or so bud sites growing as anything lower would not be getting enough light to grow anything worthwhile, using led lights
  15. ChildoftheCosmos

    So it has been in flower for quite some time now, not sure when to chop

    Lol I had supercropped it and had to tie it up so it wouldn't fall over, idk how these pics would help but here you go, looks ready to die though lmao been giving only water no nutes the past few waterings
  16. ChildoftheCosmos

    So it has been in flower for quite some time now, not sure when to chop

    They are about 2 fingers wide idk how you knew lmao
  17. ChildoftheCosmos

    So it has been in flower for quite some time now, not sure when to chop

    Some trich are already amber some still look clear? Some look milky? Lol waiting for the remaining white pistols to turn orange then I guess I'll chop one nug to dry and cure and see how it goes
  18. ChildoftheCosmos

    Too much humidity or normal for being in darkness at mid 50 degrees F?

    Thanks for the help guys, you're ALL so helpful :) i'll take note to just keep looking in older threads where my concerns may be addressed
  19. ChildoftheCosmos

    Too much humidity or normal for being in darkness at mid 50 degrees F?

    I'm done with this thread, i don't need my original concern addressed anymore i got it figured out thanks for the responses guys