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  1. S

    Roots shooting to bottom of pot

    Thanks for replying. So are you suggesting I not transplant yet? Cause I totally agree there should be more root mass and ideally the roots should be using the whole medium but I figured that since all the roots have shot to the bottom and have nowhere else to go and the plants stop growing that...
  2. S

    Roots shooting to bottom of pot

    I’m hoping someone can help me figure out why my roots are shooting down to the bottom of the pot and accumulating down there rather than using the whole pot/medium. I start seeds in small nursery pots and about 5 days later the growth slows down and roots are coming out the drain holes. When I...
  3. S

    Leaves Closed Together

    A few years back I had several plants that just stopped growing and they were no longer taking up water, the pots were nearly as heavy as the day I watered them like 2 weeks earlier and eventually died. It was weird because other plants in the same space did fine but the one thing I noticed...
  4. S

    Leaves Closed Together

    Can anyone help me understand what is going on here, I’ve had this problem before but not for a couple years. The new growth leaves have been closed in tight on each other (see photo) for a couple days and growth has stopped. In the past when this happened I couldn’t figure out the issue and...