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  1. L

    First Grow. Plants Dying

    So far Ive just been letting her ride and leaving her be. I have plants that can replace this one, but cant afford to up the pot size. Id rather lose the plant then sacrifice a healthy smaller plant to repot a sick one. What should I do to.avoid this in the future?
  2. L

    First Grow. Plants Dying

    What do you suggest I do w this plant to fix this?
  3. L

    First Grow. Plants Dying

    Its my first grow. So if i read it. It wouldnt have made any sense until this moment when I was told what it all friggin means lmfao. Thank you for your help man. I didnt know at all
  4. L

    First Grow. Plants Dying

    Not really. All the pots sit on top of a towel that I change every other day. To pick up any excess water that comes out so it doesnt build up bacteria or mold in the tent. I generally wait until after I water to cha ge it because the towel does get wet.
  5. L

    First Grow. Plants Dying

    I had watered it with 1 liter the day before. And 1 liter today. Do you think I should start using more? I just dont want to over water
  6. L

    First Grow. Plants Dying

    I live in AZ. Im on a well-share. PH 8. PPM 154. EC 308
  7. L

    First Grow. Plants Dying

    Or have I been taught wrong?
  8. L

    First Grow. Plants Dying

    So youre saying I shouldnt have treated the harsh water that originally read at an 8? Youre supposed to ph it to the 6.3-6.5 area
  9. L

    First Grow. Plants Dying

    Thats not it. Thanks tho man
  10. L

    First Grow. Plants Dying

    Plants first started getting orangish yellow spots and began to curl and dry out As pics show. This happened after first feed of fox farms Grow Big half strength. Each plant drinks ab 1 liter. Since then I have backed off the nutes and now only give it regular PHd water. Slurry test put soil...