First Grow. Plants Dying

Plants first started getting orangish yellow spots and began to curl and dry out As pics show. This happened after first feed of fox farms Grow Big half strength. Each plant drinks ab 1 liter.

Since then I have backed off the nutes and now only give it regular PHd water.

Slurry test put soil at 6.2. My last water was PHd to 6.6 in order to attempt to bump to 6.3-6.4 range.

Medium- happy frog mixed w perlite

Light: mars hydro TS1000w

Nute: fox farms trio- grow big (half dose)

All water and feeds ph adjusted to 6.3-6.4 range.

After the last water w no nutes i left the plants for the night. Temp only got down to 65° and it looked like the browning and drying up had stopped.

I awoke this morning to my plant in pretty dry soil again (so it drank the water up) but the leaves had drooped. Some were brown. And cracked apart in my hand when i touched them. Some of the leafs stems were flimsy and weak (like wet spaghetti).

I dont know whats going on. I gave it another liter today since it was thirsty again.

I attached a good amount of pictures. Hopefully they can be of some assistance as I feel terrible that the plant has to suffer simply because I suck at this. Idk if im dealing w an auto or photo. Seeds came for free w an auto order.



Well-Known Member
So youre saying I shouldnt have treated the harsh water that originally read at an 8? Youre supposed to ph it to the 6.3-6.5 area
Yes . You said ur using happy frog ?
That medium SHOULD have ph adjusted buffers. So basically you adjusting your inflow has caused the ph imbalance of your soil causing you problems . Read what is on the back of your bag of medium before just cracking it open , filling ya pots and flinging the packaging away .
Its my first grow. So if i read it. It wouldnt have made any sense until this moment when I was told what it all friggin means lmfao. Thank you for your help man. I didnt know at all


Well-Known Member
What do you suggest I do w this plant to fix this?
Find some premium earth worm castings. Up pot to a larger container. Transplant in happy frog, topdress
With 2
Inches castings. Maybe some top feeding something. Happy frog has a fruit and flower slow release fertilizer. Organic gardening needs planning. Happy frog is good stuff. But you still need to feed. And apply proper compost or castings are best.
Learning moisture levels in soil is tricky. You can always amend your happy frog with equal parts castings and perlite. Say per bag add 1 gallon each or something.

what was your plan as of now?
Find some premium earth worm castings. Up pot to a larger container. Transplant in happy frog, topdress
With 2
Inches castings. Maybe some top feeding something. Happy frog has a fruit and flower slow release fertilizer. Organic gardening needs planning. Happy frog is good stuff. But you still need to feed. And apply proper compost or castings are best.
Learning moisture levels in soil is tricky. You can always amend your happy frog with equal parts castings and perlite. Say per bag add 1 gallon each or something.

what was your plan as of now?
So far Ive just been letting her ride and leaving her be. I have plants that can replace this one, but cant afford to up the pot size. Id rather lose the plant then sacrifice a healthy smaller plant to repot a sick one.

What should I do to.avoid this in the future?