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  1. I

    Fox Farm Grow and Bloom feed times?

    hey stupid have you ever gone to fox farm website and looked at the feeding charts they have one for hydro duh thats what people are trying to tell you. look at it
  2. I

    Cloning questions

    just take your clones then induce flowering on the mother...hope its a female and budd it the whole way then if it is a female you allready have clonesfrom it prior to flowering and you can still enjoy the buds off the you get clones and buds....bongsmilie
  3. I

    Watering clones??

    So i took some clones (20). i cut them dipped them in root hormone gell put them in to rapied rooter plugs under a t5 ho light on 18/6 schedule in a seed tray with humidity dome on a seedling heat mat with a little water in the tray. So far i have waterd them with distilled water and super...
  4. I

    Fuck my light fell and smashed my plants!~

    hopefully you dont get an air emblesim in the stem of the two clones....and make sure to spray your plants with some good bug spray befor putting them indoors with youogf moms plants they could contaminate you ladys...
  5. I

    Fuck my light fell and smashed my plants!~

    no you siad it was the cola
  6. I

    do i really need to flush??

    If you're doing something you ought to do it right why skip a crucial step in my opinion....if you dont sand your car the paint wont stick...its just a step in the process
  7. I

    do i really need to flush??

    I like to smoke wet grass...if you painted you car would'nt you let the paint dry befor driving flush your plants
  8. I

    Got my seeds from Nirvana Shop today!!!excited
