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    Vermiculite as a source of silica?

    Hi! Bugbee's team did some research since then, and added a lot of rice hulls to the "recipe". Seems to provide a stable silica release when mixed in with the soil, as I understand from their paper: In my...
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    rice hulls: rice germination and GNATS

    thanks for your help! I irrigated a product from my country that contains some kind of lethal fungus, and I sprayed the seedling with neem. hopefully it will work...
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    rice hulls: rice germination and GNATS

    hello! the other day, for the first time I bought rice hulls and mixed them with vermiculite and light mix in a pot. the seedling is doing ok, but I have observed many gnats flying over the pot, "walking" on the substrate and so on. what should I do? should I transplant the young seedling to a...
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    The easiest and the cheapiest way to grow

    that plant is dead :(
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    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    I did my first grow with unknown regular seeds, in summer, indoors. I ended with 1.70 meters long plants in little 4lt pots. My friends couldn't believe it. Sadly it became a problem... Weed grows like crazy when it's warm and humid; but disseases appear easily :(
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    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    Yes! I started vegetative cycles in both ways: in 200cc glasses and in 10 liter (2.6 gallon) pots, with the mere intention of experimenting. I never had problems in this regard, because when I start in "large" pots I use little water when watering, and I increase the amount as the plant grows...
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    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    thanks, nanners1! i've been using textile pots for a while, but i'm getting tired of them because i have some issues when transplanting, with the roots being "attached" to the pot... but this could perhaps be solved by avoiding transplants. i have a question regarding bugbee's method (that's a...
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    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    another thing to adress (?): seems that this soilless mix seems to allow you to complete a full cycle without the need of transplants? the Dr. uses the same pot for little plants and big ones:
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    My revegged monster. Grown and harvested indoors then revegged outdoors

    I'm very sorry to hear that :(. I misread some post and I thought you were referring to the loss of the plant. If I had understood correctly, I would not have asked details about something that sensitive and personal ... I apologize and thank you for your kind response despite my stupidity. I...
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    Vermiculite as a source of silica?

    i found some interesting sh*t: can't access to the whole paper but there is a preview with what seems to be the conclusions: "Identifying the source(s) of silicon (Si) for plant is a key issue in understanding the terrestrial cycle...
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    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    sadly i couldn't find a single paper by the Dr that talks about the silicon aspect of the peat-vermiculite soil edit: but i found something by another scientist: Are Clay Minerals a Significant Source of Si for Crops? "Identifying the source(s) of silicon (Si) for plant is a key issue in...
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    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    here are some interesting papers by the Dr. and his crew
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    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    thanks so much for your detailed report! it's really interesting. and you did great, congrats. your succes encourages me saludos desde argentina <3
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    Vermiculite as a source of silica?

    he says that, and i like him and i tend to trust him because zcience buttt would this silica be available in the short-medium term for the plant and be efficient in an indoor setup?
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    Vermiculite as a source of silica?

    take a look at this! maybe works as a reference igredient list: Perlite: 71.40%; Diatomaceous Earth: 17.10%; Fertilizer: 5.70%; Proprietary Aqueous solution: 5.00%; Other ingredients: 0.80% i don't know this brand of soil and it's...
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    Vermiculite as a source of silica?

    that's funk-tastic! i was wondering if diatomaceous would kill benefical life, but seems like u already answered with a big "no" :D
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    Vermiculite as a source of silica?

    thanks for your response! can i use it mixed in the medium and not worry about silica anymore?
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    Vermiculite as a source of silica?

    Hi! As many people here, I watched Bruce Bugbee's educational videos, where he suggests using a medium made of 50% peat and 50% vermiculite and says that vermiculite has lots of silica for the plant. While researching about this, I found this site which says that vermiculite doesn't work as a...
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    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    definitely is! i also need a ph and EC meter, but that's easy to solve (i did my two previous grows without having them, but i used soil, which is a more "forgiving" method as far as i know). as for the gypsum, our good friend BonnMac here suggested using some kind of powdered form, suggestion i...