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  1. Weaser

    Update regarding Health Canada Marihuana Privacy Breach

    Right after this all went down, a friend of mine had his door kicked in, and robbed..we figured the mailman sold him out
  2. Weaser

    Hello from Canada

    Glad youve enjoyed our tourist attractions , cant say ive been there..i had to google where the heck Wawa
  3. Weaser

    Hello from Canada

    Thanks guys
  4. Weaser

    Hello from Canada

    It is...had it since i was 18, fun car , heres a full size pic
  5. Weaser

    Update regarding Health Canada Marihuana Privacy Breach

    I was wondering what had happened with this..not much apparently..
  6. Weaser

    Hello from Canada

    Long time reader, first time poster, just thought id say High