Surprise! The government still wants to fuck with us...
Ain't this some reminder of the "Stockholm Syndrome"?
I mean, cannabis to this day still keeps being a handle for so many predators just because of the United Nations 3 treaties successive to the 1925 Geneva Opium Convention, where "Indian Hemp"/"Cannabis sativa L." were officially banned beyond democratic space since leaders don't have to submit actions in the People's House: our parliaments, which is the only place where decision makers are actually accountable - though only once per electoral mandate.
The bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionists ain't satisfied with the "légaleezation" of Trudeau so that's why they rataliate i guess, for starters by preventing the removal of cannabis from any so-called "schedules" consecutive to our UN int'l treaties exactly. But this would have meant to fight for *
ALL* cannabis bothers, euh... Yano, the arms traders... The sex-slave traders, pedophiles, scum of the earth, etc. M'well, at least that's the picture i got listening at some police big hat on TV, just a couple years ago i think. Anyway, the point is the medicalisation of cannabis has no equivalent in multiple other domains, the fire arms while i'm thinking of those. Because, euh... For all i know there's no such thing as a "medical fire arm"! Right?...
So why the need for "medical cannabis" which DOES NOT KILL unless mis-guided 3rd-parties have interveined to serve their vile predatory purposes. With politicical parties, professional associations and syndicates as "high moral" alies although it's such inflation in absence of some fair sense of proportionality that cause the worst "Harm" of all, starting with coerced "treatment" à la Narconon/Scientology Church while Justin Trudeau just happened to criminalize sex conversion therapy, awat from mass-media cameras somehow.
Put shortly Harper set up a trap and the medical patients fell for it, now taken hostage after handing out a legal signature in support.
Then the "Free-the-Beer" cause was lost in Supreme Court as if to close this smelly coffin for a long while...
Yet i keep thinking it's the medicalization of cannabis exactly which gave politicians socio-toxic power, follower by their "law enforcement" friend$ now enjoying inflated budgets to acquire drones, snow-mobiles, boats... coffee machines. The doctors and Big Pharma jumped into the nad wagon too, not to mention the "therapists", especially the ADDICTION-based abstentionists operating a center where to "save" the children - falling by millions and yet somehow invisible...
Too bad but the privacy breach was only asking to happen. Key gurus of the Harper ain't left their power position high inside the federal government; for example our United Nations emissary at UNGASS 2016: Hylary Geller. Who remained a high-rank official in Trudeau's organisation even after the long-awaited move of October 17, 2018. Last time i checked she was with the agriculture minister, quite likely ready to intercept CBD as a "Frankenstein Food", which may explain why this many years of the join UN/WHO declaration (of mid-December 2017...) it simply makes no rational sense to punish elders by rendering CBD innaccessible this badly.
At least in my sacrificed province i can testify that the best i could find, which represents absolutely no threat, sells with even more abusive price-tags and the logic is elementary: higher cost equals higher tax revenue. No need for morality anymore, this mercantile argument alone rejoices nearly half the population that was made of haters, e.g. those the parties can't risk to hurt or they'll get called names, like being "libertarians", whatever. But i ain't among those who ever thought Justin Trudeau could be friendly when it comes to "MARIHUANA", as he used to call it until 2015.
By the way, how's it going with prison sentences over cannabis? Etc.
I mean, you played you lost. Thank you Canada - for NOTHING, nothing at all. Really. Because neither are Québec's residents please to risk exposure while landlords have the legal right to engage eviction procedure thanks to a retro-active gift of politicians naïve enough to hope that would pay off during the next elections. It did not. The sacrifice stays with François Legault, unable/unwilling to resit temptation to add icing of his own by raising "legal" age to 21! Never mind reason, this is now endoctrination/ideology territory.
So, how does it feel when treason shows its ugly face from all horizons? Where are the children "saved", why does the new dealer treat us like none other before (unless the guy expected a 2nd call)... The SQdC would go bankrupt fast without being made a monopoly IMHO, still hours by cars for too many consumers who can't afford routine travel while the ridiculous 28 g limitation severely agravates such situations. No love there neither, etc.
M'yeah, i sympathize. That's what happens when one trusts politicians as those we got but i sympathize and it's too late now.
Good day, have fun!!