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  1. jwebb967

    Real quick NPK question

    I see 3 fertilizers on sale which I want to buy. NPK ratio says: 1. 30-10-10 2. 20-20-20 3. 10-10-20 I know the first one is good for vegetative growth, but what about the other two? Should I buy them? When do I use them if I do? Thanks!
  2. jwebb967

    Check out my veg box

    Hahaha, thats kinda messed up, using your niece's toy box like that, hahaha, but oh well. When you gotta grow, you gotta grow. Thats a nice setup, but how do you plan to get ventilation in there? and how are you gonna adjust the lights? I've been going through threads for hours thinking of a...
  3. jwebb967

    Growing with a dead Rat in the soil ?

    Hmmm... since a rat is a carnivorous animal which lies and crawls in our waste and feces, and feeds on our scraps and garbage, aside from the nitrogen, your gonna be gettin a lot more than what you bargained for buddy, that's what I think... :bigjoint:
  4. jwebb967

    HELP! What is this?

    Thanks man, i'll keep them ladybugs on there then. :-o
  5. jwebb967

    Growing with a dead Rat in the soil ?

    Exactly, I'd rather put dead fish in my soil, I even tried putting chicken dung in my soil once because it's very high in Nitrogen, and my plant LOVED it. Anything but a dead rat, yuck!
  6. jwebb967

    HELP! What is this?

    First of all, thanks for the reply. I think thats what happened with the 2nd plant, I spray in the late afternoon now. Mites? Damn, I didn't know plants have mites. So far, the spray is doing well, but I keep seeing brown lady bugs hanging around buds of the first plant (yellow holes) a couple...
  7. jwebb967

    HELP! What is this?

    :confused: Can someone please tell me what the problem is with my plants? Both plants are under the same conditions, but show different symptoms. Both are 8 weeks old and outdoor. I give it 3-1-1 ferts once a week, I water it 2-3 times a week, temperature nowadays is around 18-26 celsius, and...
  8. jwebb967

    What is the easiest indoor option?

    Well, if you don't mind dishing out some money, I'd suggest you to just buy a small, portable hydroponic or aeroponic kit like stealth hydro or aerogarden, pop it in your closet, install a small ventilation fan, and your all good! Thats what I would do if I were living in the states. :hump:
  9. jwebb967

    What is the easiest indoor option?

    I forgot to say, you gotta have holes in the plastic cup for the roots to push through. I'm also going to upgrade my lighting, gotta save up first though. I haven't found a timer here yet, so I turn the lights on and off manually. I'm going to try keeping the lamp on for 24 hours for this week...
  10. jwebb967

    What is the easiest indoor option?

    I just started an indoor project myself. I'm starting off small so I did a very simple bubbleponic system. The materials I used for making the set up was: (1) plastic coffee containers which holds about 3.5 liters of water (2) 2500 cc aquarium air pump, 1 meter chord and an airstone (3) a...
  11. jwebb967

    Help! Newbie outdoor grower needs advice! (With pic)

    Hi guys! here's an update on my plant. I've been giving her 30-10-10 fertilizer once a week. She's been having a good 4-5 hours of morning sun each day, the only problem I've been having with her are pests like ladybugs, so I had to spray her last week with a pesticide.
  12. jwebb967

    First time cloner

    Help! I really want to clone my plant but there are no cloning solutions available where I live. Is there something I could substitute the cloning solution with? Or is there a way to clone a plant without using the cloning solution? Thanks! :dunce:
  13. jwebb967

    Cloning solution substitute

  14. jwebb967

    Help! Newbie outdoor grower needs advice! (With pic)

    Ok, hahaha, I get it. Thanks! :mrgreen:
  15. jwebb967

    frist grow need help (PICS)

    Not really. ;-) They have pretty decent stuff here. The only thing thats messed up is that purchasing is seasonal, and you don't get the same quantity/potency as the last purchase, it's pretty much random, so you just hope you get good stuff. :( Thats why I decided to grow my own, save on money...
  16. jwebb967

    Help! Newbie outdoor grower needs advice! (With pic)

    Hahaha! Thanks for the tips, I really like that stealth camo method tip you just gave, I'm definitely going to do that. Actually, I live in a very small populated neighborhood way outside of the main city, and the houses here are built far apart from each other, so I'm not that brave, just...
  17. jwebb967

    frist grow need help (PICS)

    Hi onenumcat! Your an English teacher? So am I! But I admit, grammar is not my forte (little ESL trivia guys, did you know that the word forte is actually pronounced as "fort" , as in stronghold or strongpoint, and not "for-tay"? Hahaha, read it from Readers Digest. Anyway, good to see...
  18. jwebb967

    Newbie Grower looking for advice..

    I'd say change the lighting, something a little stronger. The plant on the right's stem looks very limp and the stick isn't gonna help. Lighting is very important, give it something stronger, and It'll grow straight up and become firmer, then you could add the fan. Not too strong now, just a...
  19. jwebb967

    Help! Newbie outdoor grower needs advice! (With pic)

    Hello! Need advice from more experienced growers. I live in a mountain city somewhere in Southeast Asia, with an altitude of 1,500 meters, moist, tropical pine forest and majority of the plantation here are mossy plants and orchids. Temperature ranges from 12-24 degrees celsius. My plant gets...
  20. jwebb967

    frist grow need help (PICS)

    Whoa, great! I'm doing mine under the sun too. I think your on track here, very nice looking plant. I'm jealous. :sad: How old is your plant? What kind of fertilizers/nutrients are you giving it? I'd like to know... Good luck!