What is the easiest indoor option?


Active Member
Looking just to get a nice indoor plant going, more as a hobby really. Was originally thinking of going all out nut now just want to know the easiest way possible to have a nice indoor plant.

Ive grown outdoors before but never indoors. So im thinking, pop a seed in a pot in some soil get a light?

Suggestions please, im willing to put in a little more effort, nutrients, light etc..

Cheers! :joint:


Well-Known Member
Hey man glad to see ur gonna grow!:)how many plants u wanna grow anyways indoors?
in wat place, a room or a closet or sometihng else?
wats ur budget , how much u willin to spend?
luv to help u out more!

Cheers :D


Well-Known Member
doing the same, 6 plants from seed, using miracle grow potting soil and 12 CFL's and 1 2x4. with seeds out of pocket is less than $100. Look at my Miracle grow journal and see for yourself. It is alot of fun


Well-Known Member
oh mann u did the SEE MORE BUDS method huh!? wow man it went well?? and did u add nutrients to ur soil ? i dont think miricle grow needs them,i was thinking of doin this aswell but just need more advice from someone whos tried ! what advice u got for me bro? thx man

Cheers :)


Active Member
easiest way is cfls and soil.....
I just started an indoor project myself. I'm starting off small so I did a very simple bubbleponic system. The materials I used for making the set up was:

(1) plastic coffee containers which holds about 3.5 liters of water
(2) 2500 cc aquarium air pump, 1 meter chord and an airstone
(3) a plastic cup (3 inches)
(4) soil medium (I used coconut soil)
(5) Florescent lamp
(6) Soluble organic fertilizer

I cut out a hole on the top of the coffee container for the plastic cup, punched another hole (using a screwdriver) just about an inch below the opening of the container, put the cup with the soil medium in it, put water and the fertizer, put the chord through the hole I made with the screwdriver, plugged in the lamp and air pump, then there it was. I started with a 2 week old plant. It's pretty simple, but this is all very new to me too, so I might be doing something wrong and I wouldn't even know. Will keep you updated with mine. :bigjoint:

Top 44

Well-Known Member
easiest way is cfls and soil.....
I agree, get yourself some sterilized potting soil, or regular potting soil and bake it in the oven to kill any potential pests. Mix it with perlite. Get a couple cfls and some clip lights and you're on your way.


Active Member
I just started an indoor project myself. I'm starting off small so I did a very simple bubbleponic system. The materials I used for making the set up was:

(1) plastic coffee containers which holds about 3.5 liters of water
(2) 2500 cc aquarium air pump, 1 meter chord and an airstone
(3) a plastic cup (3 inches)
(4) soil medium (I used coconut soil)
(5) Florescent lamp
(6) Soluble organic fertilizer

I cut out a hole on the top of the coffee container for the plastic cup, punched another hole (using a screwdriver) just about an inch below the opening of the container, put the cup with the soil medium in it, put water and the fertizer, put the chord through the hole I made with the screwdriver, plugged in the lamp and air pump, then there it was. I started with a 2 week old plant. It's pretty simple, but this is all very new to me too, so I might be doing something wrong and I wouldn't even know. Will keep you updated with mine. :bigjoint:
I forgot to say, you gotta have holes in the plastic cup for the roots to push through. I'm also going to upgrade my lighting, gotta save up first though. I haven't found a timer here yet, so I turn the lights on and off manually. I'm going to try keeping the lamp on for 24 hours for this week. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
oh mann u did the SEE MORE BUDS method huh!? wow man it went well?? and did u add nutrients to ur soil ? i dont think miricle grow needs them,i was thinking of doin this aswell but just need more advice from someone whos tried ! what advice u got for me bro? thx man

Cheers :)
exactly what i am doing just 6 plants.......:bigjoint:

i recommend it since it does work at least so far with me


Active Member
Hey man glad to see ur gonna grow!:)how many plants u wanna grow anyways indoors?
in wat place, a room or a closet or sometihng else?
wats ur budget , how much u willin to spend?
luv to help u out more!

Cheers :D
I just want one plant at a time. Dont mind the risk of it being male, its a hobby really (though im buying feminized seeds and if a male pops up i will start all over again. Its just to kick things off, see if indoor growing is something i want to do more of.

Am willing to do either, room or closet. Whatever is easiest. If its a case of putting it in a corner of a room with a light over it thats probably what ill go with.

Budget isnt a problem, willing to spend whatever.

Hopefully you can help me a bit further.

Would really love tips on light size etc, soil type, nutrients to use, and also on how to keep the plant as low in height as possible without having to buy lowryder seeds or other low growing plants.



Active Member
Well, if you don't mind dishing out some money, I'd suggest you to just buy a small, portable hydroponic or aeroponic kit like stealth hydro or aerogarden, pop it in your closet, install a small ventilation fan, and your all good! Thats what I would do if I were living in the states. :hump: