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    What weed grows in High Humidity?

    Yeah I have got my hands on some strains that can take the damage, Mataro blue seems to be doing well, northern lights too. They passed the germination stage and now not doing to bad in seedling stage. Humidity averages out at about 75%- 90%. At night I bring them in under some purple LEDs...

    So, is it possible move your plants indoors and outdoors daily?

    Those autos? How much sunlight do they get or is it just random? What was your incentive to move ‘em too

    So, is it possible move your plants indoors and outdoors daily?

    They will get a shady break period from 5:30 to 7pm

    So, is it possible move your plants indoors and outdoors daily?

    It will get indirect sunlight from 8:30 AM to about 1:30 pm, then direct sunlight from 1:30 - 5:30 then I plan on moving them down to grow lights, for a 10-12 hour indoor sesh. The humidity is pretty high here, peaking around 75-90 %, I’m hoping the fans at night will help with this, and the...

    So, is it possible move your plants indoors and outdoors daily?

    I’m about to plant 6 autos, 3 Indicas 3 sativas I assume that they will do just fine, with some indoor light and outdoor love now and again.

    So, is it possible move your plants indoors and outdoors daily?

    I see the only things online is the pest concern problem, I don’t have a pest problem and I have bug spray to keep bugs off my other (non weed) plants. what do you think besides the pest problem, would the daily movement of indoor and outdoor be a problem for the plants

    So, is it possible move your plants indoors and outdoors daily?

    I’m a newbie, tryna get some real answers here. I haven’t got a grow tent, but I have got grow lights … I stay in a volatile area with weird weather.. inconsistent humidity levels and just not enough direct sunlight.. I don’t want to attempt a full grow indoors since I lack the grow tent and...

    Can I dry budz in my bathroom with steam?

    You off ur meds ?

    Can I dry budz in my bathroom with steam?

    Put a fan blowing fresh air into the box ?
  10. JUGGZ of BUDDZ

    Can I dry budz in my bathroom with steam?

    I was gettitn pretty excited for the whole whore bath idea, damn it. the cardboard box idea seems easiest, I will just use a fan with that.
  11. JUGGZ of BUDDZ

    What weed grows in High Humidity?

    Yeah my current property doesn’t give space for tents or good ventilation, I don’t really have a choice in this for indoor or outdoor.
  12. JUGGZ of BUDDZ

    What weed grows in High Humidity?

    That’s dope, thanks for your advice. I am checking out some SEA landraces now, I will just do some stress training to keep them growing low, there are a ton of strains growing in 90+ humidity out here :) yeah the drying part will be interesting, I guess just a cardboard box ? With 2 fans...
  13. JUGGZ of BUDDZ

    What weed grows in High Humidity?

    Thanks mate, yeah I guess a floor fan outside will help a lot, yeah humidity out here in South East Asia gets hectic, sometimes peaking 95% in the evening. I’m going to get the seeds you mentioned, after a bit more research. Thanks
  14. JUGGZ of BUDDZ

    Can I dry budz in my bathroom with steam?

    Yo, thanks for that.. so if my humidity wasn’t so high, it would have been okay. But because it’s so fked, it wouldn’t be a good idea. Thanks
  15. JUGGZ of BUDDZ

    Can I dry budz in my bathroom with steam?

    You guys are trolls man, I’m just asking lol.. I guess the moisture in the shower will stay in the buds, you know, I’m a newbie, came here for legit answers.. not for some smeely answers.. Should I just grow in a tent ? And dry the buds in the same tent, just without the lights ? Would that be...
  16. JUGGZ of BUDDZ

    Can I dry budz in my bathroom with steam?

    What you mean you can’t be real ? I’m a newbie, got nowhere else to dry, I’m asking for advice man. I’m guessing the steam is not smart right, will re moisture up the buds ?
  17. JUGGZ of BUDDZ

    What weed grows in High Humidity?

    So I did some research and apparently my 85%-93% humid area is huge problem for growing… nevertheless, I researched deeper and saw that some sites say certain strains can grow in high humid climate, apparently Skywalker Haze and Mazar can survive super tropical climate, I just wanted to see if...
  18. JUGGZ of BUDDZ

    Can I dry budz in my bathroom with steam?

    This is a question for when I decide to start growing, it will be outdoor grown on my balcony, I’m just thinking in advance for when it comes to time to dry. I mean, 85% humidity, will this be a problem for when I decide to grow lol ?
  19. JUGGZ of BUDDZ

    Can I dry budz in my bathroom with steam?

    So I got a question, I need to dry budz, I got a bathroom with a good extractor fan, built into the wall.. I got space to dry it, but .. I also need to shower, shit, shave.. nahmeen ? Will the steam and constant change in temperature and humidity fk up the drying process ? I got no...