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  1. flowrrpowrr

    Greenpoint seeds anyone grow them

    I had that exact experience with ILGM. 20 seeds of GDP and 10 of white widow and I'm right at 50% to harvest. I'm closer to 90% with greenpoint. I'm wondering how those greenpoint seeds worked out for you. I've gotten several strains from them and the reverse auction prices are hard to beat...
  2. flowrrpowrr

    Harvest time?

    I'm really interested in what you see that made you think they couldn't be salvaged. I see problems, but I don't see all that. still learning...
  3. flowrrpowrr

    Medic Grow Fold 8 or Mars Hydro FC-E8000?

    Sounds like you've done several loops with these already. Do you grow where managing heat is ever a problem? Did you notice any differences in the lights involving heat?
  4. flowrrpowrr

    Medic Grow Fold 8 or Mars Hydro FC-E8000?

    I have a fan blowing across the power supply at the center of the fixture from above. I heard that keeping it cooler could extend the life. Maybe...I dunno. The 8 just fits a 4x4 and I haven't run mine above 80% so far. The readings are solid there and the heat problem is reduced. Summer in...
  5. flowrrpowrr

    Root aphid?

    all in the edit!
  6. flowrrpowrr

    Root aphid?

    shitty little iphone mini12 it has a 5x zoom and then I crop and resize in edit. it'll work for now
  7. flowrrpowrr

    Root aphid?

    I would dunk with 15 to 20ml/gal. That's just me but it works 100% of the time. If you're in flower already, I would try half or less that amount and be prepared to monitor and repeat if necessary. I would top with DE until you know it worked. It reduces everything and keeps them from flying...
  8. flowrrpowrr

    Medic Grow Fold 8 or Mars Hydro FC-E8000?

    So, I went with the MedicGrow 8. Super bright and fits just barely in a 4x4. The MG8 uses Samsung LM301Z's and there's a real heat difference from my LM301B fixture. The center bar gets up to about 130F at 100% and the light bars vary wildly but the hottest I've recorded was 140F. Most run...
  9. flowrrpowrr

    Medic Grow Fold 8 or Mars Hydro FC-E8000?

    Pulling the trigger on one of these soon and wondering if anyone has anything to say about either. MGF8 $470 MHFCE8000 $550
  10. flowrrpowrr

    Auto flowering

    What's up with the white specks in pic 2? Have you checked for bugs?
  11. flowrrpowrr


    thanks. Big Bucs fan too!
  12. flowrrpowrr


    Bummer....Weird story plant anyway....given up for dead and then out of the ashes
  13. flowrrpowrr


    Afraid you're right. I just didn't see anything round like that until this week.
  14. flowrrpowrr


    Is this plant going Herm on me? It was looking good until these little round pods appeared. This was bagseed so no big surprise I suppose.
  15. flowrrpowrr

    Root aphid?

    Imidacloprid ended it for me. It's a systemic insecticide of synthetic nicotine. I haven't seen shit since dunking with this. It's approved for fruits and vegetables, but not for weed in a bunch of states. I tried many things that helped, but didn't didn't finish my root aphids. They are...
  16. flowrrpowrr

    Maybe infested clones

    did a heavvvvvvy imidacloprid dunk to every plant and covered the soil with a diatomaceous earth/FF blend. Followed up with neem oil spray the next day. Now on watch. It's quiet......maybe too quiet. The teens look a little feeble but the big girls perked up overnight.
  17. flowrrpowrr

    Maybe infested clones

    I had the same experience with spinosad sprayed and watered in. and BTI. and Neem oil. and insecticidal soap. and Dr Zymes. The numbers have dropped but none of the cards are clean. Waiting on Imidacloprid to get here and if it doesn't work then cut and clean.
  18. flowrrpowrr

    Maybe infested clones

    That did occur to me. I had leftover FFOF so I wet some and placed some yellow cards. So far I've seen one gnat and no aphids but it's only been a week.
  19. flowrrpowrr

    Maybe infested clones

    1" or 1.5" seed starter cube. not wool but firmer than soil
  20. flowrrpowrr

    Maybe infested clones

    first 8 since 1/9 last 6 since 1/29 separate tents but both connected to a common exhaust plenum that's idle 6 hours/day. I found fliers in there