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  1. bugzbean

    Is Biden really that bad?

    I live in ranch and farm country more cattle than people here. Things are far,far worse now than precovid. There's some upcoming food price hikes that will be super.
  2. bugzbean

    Support for Roe v. Wade and hidden costs of repeal.

    Would you kill them?
  3. bugzbean

    Is Biden really that bad?

    How much do you donate?
  4. bugzbean

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Hey fuck them yokel red necks am I got this!
  5. bugzbean

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Ok everything is trumps fault especially the stuff since Biden took it. I also get trumps family members are all corrupt and involved whereas Biden's family has nothing to do with any of it. Every single republican is corrpt,evil and a racist and all democrats are simply there...
  6. bugzbean

    Is Biden really that bad?

    I am antiwar so..........glad he set a date. Being the boss and changing said date on a whim was biden,violating the agreement. Biden was the boss and his admin handled the withdrawal which was a debacle........on the date he chose. Did you read the CNN report on jobs cuz it aint flattering.
  7. bugzbean

    Is Biden really that bad?
  8. bugzbean

    Is Biden really that bad?
  9. bugzbean

    The Tennessee Three

    You guys got me like trump there......... only a problem if Republicans do it.
  10. bugzbean

    The Tennessee Three

    Just because they are poor doesn't mean its ok to mock them.
  11. bugzbean

    The Tennessee Three

    Insurrection should be handled immediately?
  12. bugzbean

    Do you get high?

    Get a quality desktop vaporizer.
  13. bugzbean

    introduce In Vaping....

    We haven't smoked anything since 17. First bag off a volcano and we were convinced. My current injector head is from cloud connoisseur and cost like $50. Hits like a truck and tastes great.
  14. bugzbean

    introduce In Vaping....
  15. bugzbean

    Is Biden really that bad?

  16. bugzbean

    Trump To Turn Himself In

    Hey fuck those 100,000 people am I know what's best for them.
  17. bugzbean

    Trump To Turn Himself In

    Your right man if trump really wanted to have a war all he has to do is refuse to surrender. Probably wouldn't take much more than that to get the shooting started.........hope nobody tells him.
  18. bugzbean

    Is Biden really that bad?
  19. bugzbean

    Trump To Turn Himself In

    Astounding lack of legalize happening in here..........250 years of precedent hammered. Wonder how the dems will react to the Biden Harris indictments that will surely follow.......... Cats out the bag now.
  20. bugzbean

    Is Biden really that bad?

    You can just admit you can't find anything........ Lolz.