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  1. C

    Ready for harvest?

    Hey, Guys! Just wanted to say that the smoke was alright! It did dry out too quick bc i didnt have much time but even tho the taste and smell was low quallity the effects them self were more Sative like. Thanks for the tips and feedback!
  2. C

    Ready for harvest?

    Okay! Thanks for the response i'll chopp it down tomorrow then.
  3. C

    Ready for harvest?

    The smell is strong and fruity the buds them self feel really sticky as well
  4. C

    Ready for harvest?

    It's quite hard with the cheap lense i'm using but i do not see amber ones just mostly cloudy with just a few clear ones. Yeah i think i'll just chop it down since i dont really got time to wait anymore. 1 day wount really change much will it?
  5. C

    Ready for harvest?

    I'd say around 15th of April they went into flowering but as i said i'm time limited since i'm changing households so i was thinking of cutting it today or tomorrow
  6. C

    Ready for harvest?

    How long could it be till they start to turn brown because i'm very time limited right now
  7. C

    Ready for harvest?

    Hey, Guys. Soo this girl is a automatic and it's been growing since 13.March I did run into problems with her wich slow down growth but by patience is runing low and i'm leaving the house soon so i want to chop it down. What do you think she is ready? I see mostly cloudy trichomes and the strain...
  8. C

    Healthy plant?

    Thank you for a piece of mind, man! Have a nice day!
  9. C

    Healthy plant?

    The bulb is around 40cm from the top with a fan blowing more at the top rather than bottom. When starting out the bulb was around 80-100cm from top. At one point it was really close to it around 20cm but didnt get burnt and i quickly raised it
  10. C

    Healthy plant?

    No it is always running on 16/8 because its an autoflower
  11. C

    Healthy plant?

    The conditions are a lot better now but the plant is still looking kind of funky, right? Like it has mainly fan leaves with 3 or 4 leaves sticking out and before stretching it was looking a lot more bushier after strech it came out skiny as hell
  12. C

    Healthy plant?

    I feed non organic aswell and it had some heat stress in early seedling stage because the grow room wasnt set up properly. You think it will get back on its feet?
  13. C

    Healthy plant?

    Hey, Guys. Just wanted to ask you does this autoflower look healtht in it's 40th day. Would love to see some answers and mybe any suggestions. So the plant is grown in coco with a 400w hpf. I've been feeding it advanced nutrion kit and some additional cal-mag since this week. Ph is 5.8 but i'm...
  14. C

    Autoflowe Watermelone looking healthy?

    The plant is looking kind of skinny right? I clipped 2 bigger leaves from mid but the top i didnt even touch most work i did was on bottom.
  15. C

    Autoflowe Watermelone looking healthy?

    Hey, Guys. Just wanted to ask you does this autoflower look healtht in it's 40th day. Would love to see some answers and mybe any suggestions. So the plant is grown in coco with a 400w hpf. I've been feeding it advanced nutrion kit and some additional cal-mag since this week. Ph is 5.8 but i'm...