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  1. W

    Acid Inspired Crayon Drawings's by hand and then scanned
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    My First Harvest!!!

    They were about 2 1/2 to 3 feet tall...but the bottom bud definitely should have been left flowering longer. And I'm not sure what strain it is...anyone have any ideas?
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    My First Harvest!!!

    Check out my first grow's harvest...It was a two plant harvest which was grown under 4 26w cfl's. The shit is mad good but flufffy. It smells a little minty in the jar. Took 3 months and a few days. I ended up with around 22g (if my food scale was accurate). Any ideas on what strain it is?
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    Harvesting in sections?

    kk cool...i'll do that. thanks.
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    Harvesting in sections?

    well basically the other alternative was taking a few clones and revegging them. i would also just add the remaining small buds to the hash i'm going to make.
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    Harvesting in sections?

    So i've harvested my main colas and the other developed buds, but there are quite a few underdeveloped lower buds since i was only using a few cfls. is it possible to keep them budding and developing after the top of the plant has been harvested? Will they be too stunned for it to be worth it?
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    So here's the plan...

    i've completed the journey:hump:...unfortunately all the Rubbermaid bins were too small. i ended up using a black construction bag and taping it closed. definitely not the best idea but it worked alright. a few of the stems got bent, so i'm working on repairing them now. there was some smell...
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    what are you drinkin on

    Dude flying dog's in heat wheat has gotta be one of the worst beers in existence haha...tell me that's one you exclude
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    Acid Inspired Crayon Drawings

    thanks, that's literally a perfect description of my when people ask i know what to say. the first one is plain old G-2 gel pen on paper
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    what are you drinkin on

    yeah definitely give it a's solid
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    Acid Inspired Crayon Drawings

    here's some of my high art-->>
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    Blew my mind

    I just figured out that marijuana is called Mary Jane because in Spanish, Mari=Mary Huana/Juana=Jane. Sorry if you guys already knew that lol...just had let others in on my epiphany
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    New to growing and need a few tips for apartment growing.

    yeah i just moved out of a dorm and it definitley was not possible to grow...i'm in an apartment complex a few minutes from campus and is near a bunch of other complexes. there are police all around, but i'm not really doing anything suspicious besides the initial bag of soil. i'm only using 4...
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    whers the weight ?

    yeh, i'm using molasses too...started using it about 3-4 weeks in to 12/12. i just eye it out, but it's about 1bsp/gallon
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    New to growing and need a few tips for apartment growing.

    i'm growing 2 plants in an apartment now and i've had no problems. the grow is in my closet and i put up a curtain to block the light when i leave to go to class and i close my door just in case they do come in my place for whatever reason. whenever i'm home i open everything up and max the...
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    Cutting off the big leaves in flowering ???

    i read you shouldn't cut the fan leaves unless they are yellowing and dying naturally. they still offer the plant lots of energy and might stun the plant if they're cut off.
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    whers the weight ?

    6 weeks from 12/12 or from first pistil...mine started to get fat about 6 weeks in from first pistil, which was about 8 weeks 12/12
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    So here's the plan...

    damn i was hoping they'd be ok sealed. i don't think it will be that obvious though because i am coming home from college, so i'm gunna have a bunch of other stuff and bags and suitcases to take the attention off the rubbermaid
  19. W

    In your opinion...... Is pot an addictive substance?

    if i start, then i tend to want to smoke night after night. once i stop and run outa bud for a few days then i reset and i'm good with out's a habitual thing for me, not so much addicting though.
  20. W

    I built my first grow box with pics, Tell me what you think.

    Dude, I think your good to go. The cardboard is a little shady...if you can just leave it open that would probably be better. Check out my grow...I had 4 plants growing good for a little with only 2 26watt 6500K cfls. i would say start with those two and when you can determine sex get rid of...