New to growing and need a few tips for apartment growing.


Hey guys,

Well I'm new to growing [as well as new to the site]. Actually, I've been around the forum for a while but never bothered to register until now.


I'm planning on renting an apartment to grow 2 Blueberries, but i'm not sure if apartments are the way to go.

I have no clue right now as to where im going to have the apartment, but i'm trying to look for an area that is secluded where there aren't a lot of authorities patrolling around.

what would you guys recommend me to do with this? do you think it's a bad idea?
what are the chances of getting caught?
any other things I should worry about?



Well-Known Member
welcome to RIU, brotha!

are you going to rent an apartment just to grow in? if you aren't living there, they might find it strange that you are renting for no reason. suspicious much?

apartments don't strike my fancy. landlords have too many ways to get into your apartment and look around. (ie. broken water pipe, electricity maintenance, mold, water damage)

where are you living now? what's stopping you from growing in your current locale? :peace:


Active Member
i'm growing 2 plants in an apartment now and i've had no problems. the grow is in my closet and i put up a curtain to block the light when i leave to go to class and i close my door just in case they do come in my place for whatever reason. whenever i'm home i open everything up and max the ventilation. also my staff are pretty nice and chill so even if they did find out i wouldn't be too worried.


i'm currently at a university in a dorm...and i don't think it would even be possible to grow it especially with all the supplies, venting, etc. needed.

I don't really have my own house (still a momma's boy :() in which I can grow without having it being found.

i'm planning on living in the apartment, but not staying there all the time. i don't think that not being in the apartment for a lot of days would raise suspicions as I am a student that attends school most of the time, as well as live in a dorm. maybe a couch, tv, and my laptop will suffice to make it believable that i'm living there.

wgretzky099, what is the area of your closet? would you say your apartment building is some place where it attracts attention or is it subtle?

you're very fortunate because your staff seem to have you not worried; i wouldn't know how to approach getting anyone part of the staff to help me without a fee or even help me at all. i'm afraid if I ask it'll either end up being 99.9% no + then i'm pretty sure they'll call the police right after.

if there are any recommendations of housing or places I can plant instead of my own home or apartment, please talk away!


Well-Known Member
don't ask anyone for help. do everything yourself. this is your forum for questions and help. loose lips sink ships, my friend.

if you are going to be staying in the apartment, tt sounds like a good plan. i grew in my old apartment. 20 plants x 3 grow cycles and never had a problem. just vented out the windows. if you can, get on the top floor so you can vent and have wind blow your smell up and away from the apartments. :peace:


Active Member
so you're going to rent an apartment just for growing? paying rent/electricity while not living there AND spend the cash for the lights and system? that all sounds like a big and risky investment.

if your going to indoor grow you need privacy. if your home or apartment is a place that you cant grow privately, then i'd say your SOL. there's always outdoor and guerrilla growing.


Well-Known Member
a wise man once said...

so you're going to rent an apartment just for growing? paying rent/electricity while not living there AND spend the cash for the lights and system? that all sounds like a big and risky investment.

if your going to indoor grow you need privacy. if your home or apartment is a place that you cant grow privately, then i'd say your SOL. there's always outdoor and guerrilla growing.


Active Member
yeah i just moved out of a dorm and it definitley was not possible to grow...i'm in an apartment complex a few minutes from campus and is near a bunch of other complexes. there are police all around, but i'm not really doing anything suspicious besides the initial bag of soil. i'm only using 4 26w cfls, so you can't even notice it on the electric bill. definitely don't tell anyone. i was even nervouse talking on the phone about it lol...but i've given up on that. unfortunately my roommates had to know about it, but they're the only other people who know. none of the staff know about it and i've definitely never said anything to them about it. it should say on your lease agreement when they are allowed in your apartment and for what reasons. my closet is about 4ft wide 6 feet long and 10ft high and my grow is about 3x3x3 in the corner of it. like i said whenever i'm not home i have the curtain in front of it and my closet door shut. i've also got one of those air purifiers and i put activated carbon filters in it and that seems to deal with the smell. also, the day and day after you water the smell becomes the strongest. so like my roommates mom is coming tomorrow so no water for today or 2morrow. i just realized that you're not going to be completely living you just have the money to spend on an extra apartment or are you looking to do a large scale thing?