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    North Carolina outdoor 2009

    im on the roanoke river and wondering has anyone tried any type of auto of lowryder outdoors in our climate .. i got some up like 2 weeks old....
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    Dr. Chronic

    the dr took care of me they sent the wrong strain and within a week sent the correct order and let me keep there mistake
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    anywhere its legal
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    Breeding Auto Flowers

    i would pollinate a small bud on each plant.. you will see a little diffrence in the ak/bb autos and you want to get all your pheno's
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    best all round soil?

    Fafar potting mix.. if u ever see it try it with like 10% cow poop and %20 worm castings get some of that miracle grow organic fert in the brown plastic bag with the screw to .... mix it in at like 1/2 cup to 10lbs soil if you wanna grow orgasnic.... u will not need to fertlize till veg...
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    Grafting Cannabis

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    Creating feminized seeds, slight dillemna

    lowrider dosent respond to light that ive seen or heard of so you will probably have to do it with chemicals
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    Cloning....1 quick question Thanks! ;)

    smoote thats how i usally do it but i went to dollar store and got a $2 clear tote.. put it upside down and just put the peat pucks in it burn 2 small holes in it and u should be set
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    Corn field grow

    as long as u plants are up u want have any problems with chemicals... ive grown ineastern us corn fields alot and what alwayse got me was timeing.... corn finishes by sept. 1 around here reefa takes like a month longer...start in 5 gallon bucket panied black and bured in late august move...
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    Removing all leaves 1 week before buds are done???

    buds pull there energy from the leaves closest to them... so when you cut them off you cut off the energy for them
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    Outdoor growing instructional

    rule #6 don't frakin worry
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    My whole crop is gonna go to shitt!

    youll never keep up with the pollen sacs
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    All males

    your odds of all males is about 1 in 800 out of 10 plants so its not impossible
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    Persian White Poppies (DWC, and Soil)

    great ty for the info
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    Northern lights Question

    [ they probably want bud in a window.;. dont ask me why but i kept a plant like 5 monthes with no bud
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    HELP! What’s wrong with my plant and can i save it!!??

    you will definaly have to re-veg it if a good flush works buy u 3 gallons of bottle water and pour through it
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    first grow,my lr2 20 days old + rep for help

    how much epsom salt , and do plants get lighter in the bud than on older groth?
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    first grow,my lr2 20 days old + rep for help

    what im asking is do plants usually look lighter in the terminal when thy start flowering??