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  1. viperhighs

    little help BIG TREES!

    I have a mix called pacific shark...its a mix between great white and jade mikado. and for sure .
  2. viperhighs

    little help BIG TREES!

    Ya i have some clones flowering, but i was just hopin i could get somethin from the mothers. and there just to big for my room, everytime i trim them up, there right back to gettin their leaves burnt a week later.
  3. viperhighs

    sorry its taken so long man...been workin my ass off lately. But i just started waterin a...

    sorry its taken so long man...been workin my ass off lately. But i just started waterin a lttle more. I really can't believe how much water there puttin down. i'm goin through about 10 gal/wk!
  4. viperhighs

    little help BIG TREES!

    Hey guys my little ones are not that little anymore...there actually to big to mature in the space i have. :cry: can i take plants that have been in a drip/drain hydro system with hydroton as the medium .....outside? :confused:
  5. viperhighs

    whats up man thanks for checkin up...things are going real well actually my tallest guy is about...

    whats up man thanks for checkin up...things are going real well actually my tallest guy is about 18" and the other ones are all around 14". I'm just about ready to clone. I'll post some pic's as soon as i can.
  6. viperhighs

    clonning help!

    Hey guys gotta question, I have five plants probably 6 weeks old. The three i started in rockwool are about 10" and the two i started to rapid rooters are 15". Its getting to about the time were i'm gonna take clones for sexing. My question is can i take the tops of the bigger plants for...
  7. viperhighs

    Anyone use FloraNectar Pineapple Rush?

    right on guys thanks for the input, i'm growing some pacific shark (great white x jade mikado) i'm tryin to get as sweet of a taste as i can get, what would you guys recommend? If i could really get a hint of pineapple that would be pretty cool, but a pineapple taste is deffinatley not part of...
  8. viperhighs

    Anyone use FloraNectar Pineapple Rush?

    Thinking about adding this, should i use this? and how long into to flowering should i start?
  9. viperhighs

    Leaves still burning

    your leaves will never go back to normal once nute burn occurs. Look for new growth to tell if you still have a nute problem.
  10. viperhighs

    why are my leaves curling?

    this is the set up i have. four 24" agrosun full spectrum, four 26 watt cfls with reflectors.
  11. viperhighs

    why are my leaves curling?

    checked out that article, and i'm pretty sure my ph is on, never doing below 5.8 and never above 6.1. my nutes should also be good i'm using bonticare nutes liquid karma, pro grow at the full recommened for seedlings putting my ppm around 350. my guys did suffer slight nute burn about three...
  12. viperhighs

    why are my leaves curling?

    if i drip water on them all day won't that be too much? i started off my seedling with 15 min three times a day but i found that to be too much. my plants are alot bigger now, so you think i should up the water?
  13. viperhighs

    why are my leaves curling?

    i adjust the ph everyday to 5.8 but i noticed it will go up everyday to about 6 before i adjust it down again. I read though this is actually a good thing and will prevent nute lockout allowing different nutrients to be absorbed at different ph levels.
  14. viperhighs

    why are my leaves curling?

    o and my seedlings are about a month old my nutes are 350ppm
  15. viperhighs

    why are my leaves curling?

    Hey guys i think i got a problem, my leaves are curling i'm posting some pics can you please help? set up drip/drain driping water for seven min three times a day rockwool/hydroton medium growing pacific shark
  16. viperhighs

    lighting...24/7 vs. 18/6...20/4???

    what about with clones? i'm kinda just startin out ..first grow .. plants are about a month old. I still have to clone in the next few weeks to tell what sex each of my five are. Can clones take root with 20/4 ? cause my clones and mother will be in the same room.
  17. viperhighs

    lighting...24/7 vs. 18/6...20/4???

    quick question, my little ones are approaching a month old in a day or two. i grew from seed and once i started seeing green i put them under constant 24/7 light using four 24" agrosun full spectrum bulbs and four 26 watt dalight cfl's. I'm also using a drip drain hydro ststem. My question...
  18. viperhighs

    watering soilless medium

    i have five plants in a 4.5"x 7" square pots, i used rockwool then put the rockwool in the pots using hydroton for my medium.
  19. viperhighs

    Cheapest Way to Filter Air in HomeBox XS???

    you can make carbon filters yourself using carbon found a fish store and some pencil holders at wallmart and a sock. Check out the DIY threads and i'm sure you'll find how to make'em. There might even be a DIY vid on youtube. i'm gonna hook a few up to my 4x4x7 tent, once i'm ready.
  20. viperhighs

    alternative CO2 help...

    Hey quick question, i'm gonna spray a little sletzer water on my little guys so they can get a little extra co2. Will the ph level of the seltzer water be to high/low to be safe for my plants?