little help BIG TREES!


Active Member
Hey guys my little ones are not that little anymore...there actually to big to mature in the space i have. :cry: can i take plants that have been in a drip/drain hydro system with hydroton as the medium .....outside? :confused:


Well-Known Member
u will have to move the whole system if u were to move outside, that or if ur in veg, u should just start choppin some clones up and that would solve ur heigh problem


Active Member
u will have to move the whole system if u were to move outside, that or if ur in veg, u should just start choppin some clones up and that would solve ur heigh problem

Ya i have some clones flowering, but i was just hopin i could get somethin from the mothers. and there just to big for my room, everytime i trim them up, there right back to gettin their leaves burnt a week later.


New Member
Cut the top into clones then when u got enough clones cut the top third or more if ya want and veg for a week or two after then flower em up... Or go with the earlier and move an electric half automated machine outside for whoever to vandalize or steal (if that's an issue where u are) also consider rain and other elements that may not be so electronic friendly. It is very doable but it would take some work IMO also large pools of water is a breeding haven for mosquitos and other bacteria so if ur res isn't closed up tight u may have a problem there also idk what color ur res is but if u don't have a water chiller ull prolly need one as the sun beating down on the res will spike those temps and the ferts will turn toxic... Tho I'm no pro. I hope this helps u decide at least and not tryin to sound like a dick I hope I didn't just a lot of things to consider. Tho I've always wanted to rig up like a natural hydro system in like a creek or somethin lol


Well-Known Member
i got a better idea, why dont u move ur whole hydro setup outside, and build a clear tarp around it so it will get sunlight like a greenhouse. and u can cover the sides with something dark so people cant see in it.