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  1. T

    My First proper grow Closet/Tent/400w bag seed

    seriously, you need to do some reading up before you start with the jibber jabber. I am almost speechless by your ignorance. You have quite a few issues, with your grow, i am no expert but i can see you will not succeed, and others on here will tell you the same.Why have you crammed your grow...
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    My First proper grow Closet/Tent/400w bag seed

    You are talking of topping them now!!, they are babies they will probably die if you go chopping bits off ! The last thing you want to think about is topping them, there is a hell of a long way to go. I dont understand how the hell you got through 3 grows. You need to concentrate on growing...
  3. T

    5 weeks veg, no nodes at all. Need help!

    cfls should be 2-4 inches away from the top of plant, or she will stretch, just like your girl has, she is so thin and spindly that she couldn't support the weight and probably snap! you should have an oscillating fan in there to create air movement so she can grow a strong stem, throughout...
  4. T

    curled down leave tips?

    my plants are the same 3 weeks flowering, after having a good read around, i am assuming it is too much N, i have since flushed them with ph'd water and they seem to be picking up, all the newer leaves are ok. just a suggestion.
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    Advice needed only 3 weeks in!! rootbound?

    well, i just went straight 12/12 and after 3 days, they have exploded! looking good.
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    how hot is too hot

    and what was the strain? how long in veg and flower?
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    how hot is too hot

    correct me if i'm wrong but isn't that 18 ounces from 1 plant? !
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    Advice needed only 3 weeks in!! rootbound?

    i gave them a water tonight, they are ready to flip in 10 hrs!, i've read somewhere that they can be left for 24 hours in darkness before going 12/12, any ideas what is best?
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    Advice needed only 3 weeks in!! rootbound?

    cheers mate i think i am finally getting the hang of this after 1 hermie grow, and a failed rockwool grow. :joint:
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    Advice needed only 3 weeks in!! rootbound?

    ok thanks, they are due thier first watering since transplanting, i am planning on using just ph'd water for this watering, then gradually introduce nutes on the next, as the soil should still have some nutes in it. Am i right?
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    Advice needed only 3 weeks in!! rootbound?

    thanks for the advice mate you have been really helpfull, i will begin tonight:-o
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    Advice needed only 3 weeks in!! rootbound?

    i was going to start tonight, if i delay it any longer they are going to be too big. do you think the pots will do?
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    hi all , i came here in the hope that a fellow uk grower can give me some advice, as i am getting no replies elsewhere. please take a look at my post here i want to flower today! please help!
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    Advice needed only 3 weeks in!! rootbound?

    i started three weeks ago with 6 mango bigbud clones in rockwool cubes, i transplanted them into 6" pots with westlands multipurpose with john innes, under a 400w hps. They grew vigourously for two weeks until i noticed roots coming out the bottom of the pots, the plants began to wilt, and when...
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    How do I connect this hps and what do I need? Detailed pics!

    seriously mate, if you can't wire it up using the advice above, you should get someone to do it for you. I have exactly the same ballast and was struggling to work out which wire went where, thanks to the simple instructions from karloff, i am up and running, cheers mate.
  16. T

    fan leaves yellowing...concern?

    so how did it go?
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    my top fan leaves are yellow and dry PICS

    you dropped your ph meter in cement!! wow you must have been clemmed mate D
  18. T

    My plants are too big????

    prepare to have some lovely zig zag shaped cola's mmmm
  19. T

    my top fan leaves are yellow and dry PICS

    tie the tops down mate, tie some string to the top and attach a paper clip to the other side, pull gently on the string until the top of the plant is bending over, then hook the paper clip to the rim of the pot, be very carefull not to bend it too much!, you should be able to get more room this...
  20. T

    My first grow (help needed!) PICS

    my temps are usually around 75-80. The wind burn you mention, i have never heard of it, but you could have a point considering i have my oscillating fan running at 15 minute intervals all day. thanks for the help mate, you made me feel better.