my top fan leaves are yellow and dry PICS


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow and I am growing white widow. I have not changed the watering schedule or amount of nutes but within 2 days about 3 of the major fan leaves on the top cola were yellowed and dry at the tips. I am in the 6 1/2 week from 12/12. No problems at all so far. What should I do other than move the light away a little as I already did, but this plant has been at this distance for most its life.



Well-Known Member
This is my first grow and I am growing white widow. I have not changed the watering schedule or amount of nutes but within 2 days about 3 of the major fan leaves on the top cola were yellowed and dry at the tips. I am in the 6 1/2 week from 12/12. No problems at all so far. What should I do other than move the light away a little as I already did, but this plant has been at this distance for most its life.
looks like nute burn to me, you might wanna just flush with some plain watter the next few time you water them


Well-Known Member
Heat more than anything. Too much heat can also cause an unusual amount of uptake which can bring on what looks like nute burn. Keep that light at a foot from your plants if its a 400w or more if its a 600w. Other than that, you will start to get yellowing at 6 weeks an onward, thats the plant telling you its coming to the end of its life cycle. BTW they look great.


Well-Known Member
I think you are correct. I actually used lees nutes last watering than what it is used to. I am using a 400watt hps and organic soil and fert 100% all the way. This plant is huge. Like almost 5 feet tall from soil and 3 feet across. She has taken over the whole closet. At some point in the last 2 days she grew past the point where circulating air space was and filled that area with buds and leaves. Otherwise i have changed nothing in the past 2 1/2 months. I moved the light away a little but im afraid to move it too far. Sure i can keep it 12inches from top of plant but the other 75% of the plant will be like 30 inches away. the main cola is 12 to 15 inches high itself. adding more light on the sides is not an option, what should i do?


Active Member
tie the tops down mate, tie some string to the top and attach a paper clip to the other side, pull gently on the string until the top of the plant is bending over, then hook the paper clip to the rim of the pot, be very carefull not to bend it too much!, you should be able to get more room this way and the sides of the plants will be getting more light.
The cola's will continue to grow vertical. A friend of mine tied a plant about 3 times in flowering and ended up with great bit juicy top cola's that had a step effect!


Well-Known Member
Agreed. Heat. Tie it down if you have to. I know it seems kinda weird, but there are benefits. I always tie my plants down (now). I tie the colas down ( almost sideways) so that the whole cola gets light, not just the top. After about a week tied down you will see all the new bud growth along the side (will now be the top) of the cola. Another option is decrease temps and increase humidity somehow if you can. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Good idea, Im just nervous because the stem is pretty thick, about the size of a nickel at the top. I also have a sativa growing and i bent the top ever so slightly and it cracked. Amazingly the plant is ok but that was a while ago and i only have about 3 weeks max until harvest. Definately going to do a scrog next time. I have a few feminized seeds left of this white widow and it is perfect for a big grow. I have 35 individual grow tips plus the main cola. each tip looks like it would be about a quarter oz dried. 35 x 7 = 245 grams plus at least 28 to 30 on top cola. thats approx 270 grams. I have been doing sooooo good i dont want to screw up now. If I just keep the light away a little and keep an eye on it to see if it gets worse should i be ok to keep it as is?


Well-Known Member
i really dont think its heat issues because if it was it would happen at the top of the plant. notice how all the tips of the leaves on the whole plant are turning brown? it seems more like a nutrient deficiancy, or a ph issue. you could have some salt buildup in your soil. id really try flushing the soil if i were you


New Member
looks like borderline too much N. Even if you used less nutes, they are probably not all used every time. Plus as time goes on you need less N. I wouldn't flush, cuz they look pretty good other than that. Just don't add any more Nitrogen and make sure to check water pH or just use RO water. Tying the tops down looks like it would be a good idea too.

good looking first grow! +rep

good luck :peace:


Well-Known Member
ive taken pics of the plant since it was a week old. ive noticed that the tips of most of the leaves were brown but only the very tip top of the leaf. It has been about 10 weeks since then andi t has thrived so i have pretty much ignored the brown tips. To be honest i have never checked ph. i bought a moniter and dropped it on cement right out of the box and it hasnt worked since. When i started i was happy when the plant lived for more than a week. now with only two or three weeks to go should i really be worried about nutes? i should be flushing soon anyway.