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  1. Z

    Leaves curling - low humidity

    GrowingNoob - you were 110% correct! I saw the roots sticking out of the bottom of one of the pots (tiny plastic things) and knew one was rootbound. Turns out both were. I xplanted into 4 gallon buckets with a mixture of fox farm, black gold and turfking (don't ask - I'm poor and it's what I...
  2. Z

    Leaves curling - low humidity

    Fox farm soil, advanced nutes micro/grow/bloom, mixed in the lightest solution on the back, cut down to 20% of that. I see roots coming down out of both containers now - I'm going to transplant into larger buckets tomorrow. I changed the ducting on the hut - it is now as follows: 8" inline...
  3. Z

    Humidity problems

    And update on this?
  4. Z

    Leaves curling - low humidity

    Hey all - I thought I solved my humidity problems with an air conditioner in the room, but moving my light closer to my girls has cranked the heat up a bit. Setup: 1mx1m hydrohut 600w HPS in a 6" aircooled hood, ducted to outside the hydrohut light is warm to the touch, can put my hand over...
  5. Z

    Million Marijuana March on Monday April 20th, 2009

    If there are limits, it should be something like 15,000 flowering plants, 500,000 veg plants, and 20 tons of dried flowers. That makes far more sense.
  6. Z

    Urgent humidity issues

    Hey, I just want to say to both you guys - thanks for responding as quickly as you did. I shut the system off for ~6-7 hours, humidity rose right back up. I think what I'm going to end up doing is replacing the 8" 500cfm exhaust fan with a 4" 80CFM fan because the 500 was just far too overkill...
  7. Z

    Urgent humidity issues

    Ahh, that would make way, way too much sense... Going to store now to get ducting...... Thanks for the immediate response! Also - the room is ~72 cubic feet, and I was brilliant and put a 500CFM exhaust fan in (which runs all the time). Do you think this is simply just evacuating the humidity...
  8. Z

    Urgent humidity issues

    Hey guys, I'm having some urgent problems with environment control. I've already spent a bunch of money, trying to cut corners where I can.... I've got a pair of plants, a Lumatek 600w ballast, Hydrhut 3x3 and a 6" ducted hood (which has a 250CFM fan ducting from bulb side to hut exit). The...
  9. Z

    Million Marijuana March on Monday April 20th, 2009

    I don't mean to be rude, but decriminalization is a cop out. I 110% support medicinal usage of Marijuana, but I don't think we should take tiny steps to allow medicinal usage over recreational usage - in layman's terms, I don't think it should be OK for some, and not for all (like it is for...
  10. Z

    First time grow PC Box -> Tent / CFL -> HPS

    Any more naysayers... or perhaps anyone with some helpful advice in regards to the question I asked?
  11. Z

    First time grow PC Box -> Tent / CFL -> HPS

    Hey all - what kind of growth can I expect from using a 600W HPS (Lumatek ballast 120v) during vegging? is it significantly less than a MH (I'd be forced to get a conversion bulb obviously, since there are no MH 600w bulbs...)... or just going back to a brazillion CFLs?
  12. Z

    Million Marijuana March on Monday April 20th, 2009

    Indeed. You don't "legalize" and then restrict how many you can have. Arms are legal, and there is no restriction on how many rifles or pistols you can own. There is no restriction on how many heads of lettuce you can have growing in your back yard. Legalization, or keep it illegal. There...
  13. Z

    First REAL grow: PC -> Tent; CFL -> HPS

    Wow, no responses. Nobody must care... :) So far, I've switched from the PC case to: Brand new Hydrohut (1mx1m) Lumatek 600w ballast (120v) 600w HPS bulb of some brand 500cfm inline exhaust fan (on top of tent) 250CFm fan ducted from bulb side of hood to other side of tent (it's own...
  14. Z

    First REAL grow: PC -> Tent; CFL -> HPS

    Here is the first day link: I'm on the (third) day of having the plants actually pop up out of the rockwool cubes. I will post more pics of them but they haven't changed much in a day. List of equipment that I need...
  15. Z

    First time grow PC Box -> Tent / CFL -> HPS

    Hey all - I'm starting my first REAL grow (I've had prior experience, but it was really just messing around). I've sprouted 6 bagseeds - 2 from local herbs and 4 from some East coast schwag. I've been told the schwag was potent, so maybe they weren't growing it correctly. Currently, I have...