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  1. R

    Potato bugs

    I'm more concerned with the health of the roots than the actual above ground portion of the plant.
  2. R

    Potato bugs

    Should I be concerned with potato bugs in my smart pots?
  3. R

    Wheezers little 12- last minute cheap grow

    Cant wait to see this one if you say your going for quality this time, lol. Thanks for all the info and education Wheez.
  4. R

    Planning on trying coco outdoor.

    They will definately be at least 4 ft tall for sure. You figure they will double in height by the end of flowering. So if they are 2 ft by flowering time they will most likely hit 4ft. Soil, perlite, coco coir would be a great outdoor medium imhumbleo
  5. R

    Pa Growers

    What time of the year do you guys usually notice choppers doing flyovers looking for your shit? I have noticed the last few years the choppers in western PA come around in the middle-to-end of september.
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    Pa Growers

    It has been nice out! Started my Germination March 21st...1st day of Spring. Whats up PA, particularly Southwest pa
  7. R

    FLood and drain questions ???

    Sweet Pics. Love the thread :joint:
  8. R

    Best medium for Flood and drain SOG

    Thanks for the input. I am leaning towards the 4'' rw cubes in a 6'' pot. I guess I will learn from my own experiences to find the answer I want.
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    Best medium for Flood and drain SOG

    I agree prof Saul. It will be alot of waste since I plan on having 48 plants in each flood tray. My focus is more on yield than anything else. I could get rid of 48 grow cubes every 2 weeks if I had to. I do like the aspect of hydrotron that you can flood and drain more ofter gettting more...
  10. R

    Best medium for Flood and drain SOG

    What is the best medium for my setup. I am presently setting up a perpetual grow with 4 1000's. Each 1000 over its own 5x5 flood table. I want to go for MAX YIELD! I am into 6''x6'' Rockwool cubes right now on another grow. They grow pretty good but I want real experiences from RIU members...
  11. R

    Health Care Bill Moves Forward

    How are we going to pay for yet another Big Gov't program? Oh yea, put it on our credit card. My vision of of a better america begins with a Much smaller Govt. Govt=Inefficiency. I would love for everyone to have affordable health care. I am a landlord and I see people who can't "afford"...
  12. R

    Is plant systematically turning yellow

    I have a 6 footer that has lots and lots of leaves, buds too of course. My question is, is this plant systematically eliminating extra leaves? I ask this because every other day I am plucking off 5 to 10 yellowish leaves. Plant is in great health overall. Not concerned, just curious.
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    Increase odds of a Female

    Somebody has had to try this. I have read it before, but want to know if anyone out there put it to the test.
  14. R

    Increase odds of a Female

    I have been doing a lot of reading and came across a theory. During veg stage you can interrupt your dark period with one hour of light to increase odds of a female. Has anyone ever tried this, need input please. Thanks