FLood and drain questions ???


Well-Known Member
Well... :lol:

They live under a 400W T-5... fair growth rate for 2 weeks...:bongsmile:

And I do not mind them "so lanky"..:lol: I do lollipops and I LIKE a bit of stretch...

All I grow are the tops anyways...:razz:

Here are my moms a week after donating 70 clones...:-P old pic... but you get the point..:lol:

Here is a batch of my clones...:eyesmoke:

After a while.. they look like this...:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:

And they finish looking something like this...:weed:

What's your taste?bongsmilie


or SATIVA...:eyesmoke:

Yea im going to lollipop next time :) good work.
you should do bc big bud. Ive never seen big bud with hydro. The buds would be monstroserus. Im sick of kush and that is what everyone wants. When ever i smoke a sativa im get high. When i smoke kush i get lazy.
How much are those Ph and ppm readers cost at a good price.:mrgreen:
Have you seen that "perpetual skunk" g op.


Well-Known Member
Yea im going to lollipop next time :) good work.
It is one of many ways to grow... but it works well for me....:eyesmoke:

you should do bc big bud. Ive never seen big bud with hydro. The buds would be monstroserus.
I hear good things about it... but I've never had it... I'm just too cheap to BUY stuff...:lol:
Im sick of kush and that is what everyone wants.
Can you say: SPOILED ROTTEN?????

When ever i smoke a sativa im get high. When i smoke kush i get lazy.
I let my Indicas go long and keep them as MEDICINE... next to the bed...bongsmilie

How much are those Ph and ppm readers cost at a good price.:mrgreen:
A quick search on google gave me this link...:razz:


Have you seen that "perpetual skunk" g op.

Not sure about "THAT" one, but I have seen a few perpetual ops.... which one are you talking about?..



Well-Known Member
Bag seed is no good. BC bagseed? Afgahn kush is good
Its worth it to upgrade. I have a 100 seeds of that. :idea:
I think ill find a GOOD mom for the job.



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Yea you proved me wrong. You have some good bag seed. How many seedlings did you get to pick threw to find a mom


Well-Known Member
I think I sprouted like 30 seeds...

Then I chose 4 females... 2 indica dom and 2 sativa dom...

I never even flowered them before choosing... I just chose the "prettiest" ones...:lol:

I say DANK is 75% environmental control - 15% DNA - 10% NUTRIENTS...

Get "your house in order" and they will flourish...:clap::razz:
Sweet Pics. Love the thread :joint:
This thread is pretty amazing, but I must be an idiot or something. To me, all of this seems like more work, not less. I mean, I totally get wanting to use fewer nutes, but it seems like this is just more work than I think I could do.

I really like just adding in some Advanced Nutrients to the schedule and letting em do their thing. I don't even really care how they work, I just know they do.

Maybe I'm reading this all wrong?

I mean, do you find that since you've starting this sort of grow that things are more complicated and time consuming? I'm just not sure that I would want to do things just on my own.

I need a nutrient company that knows more than I do to tell me what to do.

Does that make me lazy? I'd just be curious to know what others think...



Well-Known Member
This thread is pretty amazing, but I must be an idiot or something. To me, all of this seems like more work, not less. I mean, I totally get wanting to use fewer nutes, but it seems like this is just more work than I think I could do.

I really like just adding in some Advanced Nutrients to the schedule and letting em do their thing. I don't even really care how they work, I just know they do.

Maybe I'm reading this all wrong?

I mean, do you find that since you've starting this sort of grow that things are more complicated and time consuming? I'm just not sure that I would want to do things just on my own.

I need a nutrient company that knows more than I do to tell me what to do.

Does that make me lazy? I'd just be curious to know what others think...


What exactly do you mean by "THIS"???

Not sure I understand your question....


Well-Known Member
This thread is pretty amazing, but I must be an idiot or something. To me, all of this seems like more work, not less. I mean, I totally get wanting to use fewer nutes, but it seems like this is just more work than I think I could do.

I really like just adding in some Advanced Nutrients to the schedule and letting em do their thing. I don't even really care how they work, I just know they do.

Maybe I'm reading this all wrong?

I mean, do you find that since you've starting this sort of grow that things are more complicated and time consuming? I'm just not sure that I would want to do things just on my own.

I need a nutrient company that knows more than I do to tell me what to do.

Does that make me lazy? I'd just be curious to know what others think...

Once you get the hydro up and going its alot less work. No more broken backs. The nute company does tell you what to feed for how many ppms. Every feeding is up to you and what your plant likes. They leave it up to you to decide what your plants want. Some plants like it lighter. Its all experiance for feeding.
Hydro is so much more clean. No more dirt.. Hydroton you can just wash and flush. rockwell you can throw away and it dries to be really light. 1 husky bag full instead of 6 huskys of soil you have to carry out.
No more broken backs and branches. you can sit and watch it water its self. Its mostly for bigger shows. Soil is oldschool. Hydro you can flush easyer. You really only have to maintian it once or twice a week.


Active Member
If your still using nutrients with additives u should try the best one part additive with a complete 16 elements. Use dyna groand and bloom with proteck. U will have way better results and a cheaper grow. 2ml if grow or bloom with 5ml of proteck a gal and your set.