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  1. mushywater

    drip system bubblegum construtive criticism?

    well this is the final post for this grow. i ended up with 2 out of three males, very disapointed in that :( the female happend to be the smallest and slowest growing of the three. i tryied to clone it somthing ive never done before ive always been a seed guy. i cloned them in rockwool the stood...
  2. mushywater

    drip system bubblegum construtive criticism?

    k im trying new things with the pics
  3. mushywater

    drip system bubblegum construtive criticism?

    damn im puttin them in the best i can. i looked today and one plant is a ture blue female. the other two thought ive never seen a have pear shaped with a small white center i guess its too close to tell but im dying to know i will quit smoking if there males lol.......... jk i can try putting...
  4. mushywater

    bubblegum first grow hydroponics

    drip system bubblegum construtive criticism? that one
  5. mushywater

    bubblegum first grow hydroponics

    this grow has moved under the ( custom drip bubblegum ) updates are their
  6. mushywater

    Drip Table System

    i am using the same method here are a few pictures of what i got
  7. mushywater

    drip system bubblegum construtive criticism?

    and let me know if you cant see the pics i see um but who knows
  8. mushywater

    drip system bubblegum construtive criticism?

    ahh shit thanx for the info the temps are good i live in a rather cold area so that and the heat from the light gives a good balance i tried to show a pic of the whole setup but i had to use my phone. so there is a shelf that my light is attached to so maybe i could un screw that bitch and i...
  9. mushywater

    drip system bubblegum construtive criticism?

    so just a update and a question. first day of flowering under my 400 watt hps i had to drop the table so that the plants wouldnt be too close to the bulb but i am wondering if it is going to be a problem they are about 20 inches away from the bulb and they will get beigger and i cannot put the...
  10. mushywater

    drip system bubblegum construtive criticism?

    heres a small update plants are doin very well with fast healthy growth hopefully in another 3-4 weeks i can clone them and flower the clones to see what sex the plants are. i wish i had more closet space. lol :) i also have moved them to there permanet homes in the rockwool buckets here are a...
  11. mushywater

    drip system bubblegum construtive criticism?

    and one more question do you think its safe to use my 400 watt hps in that closet? should i try to get one of those cool reflectors for it i mean cool as in temperature wise with the screens over the bottom?
  12. mushywater

    Cfl Yield

    i think that cfls are awsome for the veg cycle less heat less expensive but i recently harvest a single ak 47 plant with cfls and got really fluffy light weight weed. same strain with an hps got me dense nugs if your in the states check sites like craigslist for a cheap hps i found a nearly new...
  13. mushywater

    i need an

    how tall do you let the plants get before you start to flower in SOG?
  14. mushywater

    drip irrigation

    this system was built uner 130 dollars mostly because the grow tray was 75 dollars. my system can water 8 plants and has room for about 4 large plants i am goin to run three large in the back and 5 SOG clones in the front very efficent way to drip lol. any questions just ask is this similar to...
  15. mushywater

    drip system bubblegum construtive criticism?

    very nice thanks for the advise ill throw some pics up after cloneing SOG it is lol
  16. mushywater

    First grow- 16 plant White Berry sog

    sweet system how tall will you let them get before swithing it to 12/12 ?
  17. mushywater

    drip system bubblegum construtive criticism?

    how tall should i let the clones before i flower them to get to have a healthy roomy harvest like 10 12 inches?
  18. mushywater

    drip system bubblegum construtive criticism?

    how much could i yield per sog plant ? i was hoping to get around a quater pound
  19. mushywater

    drip system bubblegum construtive criticism?

    so what ive realized is that i can hopefully fit 3 large plants across the back side and could possible clone and do 4 small sog plants across the front. any other ideas plz help me id like to get the most for the space i have
  20. mushywater

    drip irrigation

    and just a few things to look out for is over watering so make sure u have a timer and have done research on how long is right to water and making sure that the drippers dont get clogged( easy to happen if you use organic nutrients)