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  1. K

    Royal Canadian Marijuana Collective

    They been in business for 10 years, it's a one guy small biz. I have been there for six years selling seeds. And one place where there is 100% legit brosgrimm C99f4 repo'ed by myself.
  2. K ?

    ya whats wrong with that? I too must be working for them...some kind of reverse physcology...never got what I ordered, plain and simple...tell me what happened and I will leave and never come back.....if you have not learned by now that posts don't mean shit... then your lost in Cali land playin...
  3. K ?

    some just like to fight it out...I'm well over it now, but just like checking in to find out what happened to them(CD)...I still think it would be tuff to get busted in that 1month period...unless they used the same Post office everytime, but knowone can be that dumb.
  4. K ?

    didnt like your insinuation that Vape is a CD pawn....thats delusional.....
  5. K ?

    hey vape I think his name says it all....He is steadfast and not going to change his mind...a real grinch:evil: He would not have what he has today if someone didnt help him along...everything in this hobby is a gamble...plain and simple...unless of course your arguing with someone from the...
  6. K ?

    sorry I ment friesland not freezeland....
  7. K ?

    Some things in life are a gamble....I mailed to Holland in 1989 to sssc...everyone said I was stupid and throwing my cash to the wind...then i had freezeland and became a local legend from that one purchase. Than everyone was sending cash to Holland..your a little delusional to forget how...
  8. K ?

    Even with there disapearence the debate least if it was a complete one got busted...I took my chance a $135 for the posters...ppl here have alot of posts Like Gray**ull... I dont think he posted all of that just to promote CD....Some know more than there...
  9. K ?

    owch...2k...I was with Vape on the rip-offs...I also like his math...I'm one that got ripped. if they were going to shut down then they could of just returned the for busted, not in a month it would be tuff to get caught that fast, plus many on multiple forums are covering for the ape...
  10. K ?

    Who would risk that....? :spew:
  11. K

    Guano. Can I overdo it?

  12. K

    Any way to sex a plant before flowering?

    Most plants can be sex after 4weeks from seed, but there are alway should always check your seedlings for little hairs...there the first thing you will see, note these plant in your journal...usualy the first to show will be the first to finish...more so for outside than inside...
  13. K ?

    welcome aboard...your now on the boat of people who recieved the big nothing. Holmes the great detective...find the elusive APE who Grayskull speaks so highly of...They claim to know these CD people...
  14. K ?

    When and how did you order?
  15. K ?

    mailed :cuss: on feb 28th...
  16. K ?

    Well your ape and "family" have up and gone with my money and others...unless there is some my dog chewed up my computer, and my arms and legs.
  17. K ?

    my area to..there even closing a prison....
  18. K ?

    I see your type thats always looking over your shoulder...or are you just a canadian thats likes making us feel watched.
  19. K ?

    hey secret...people still took deliever last week...I have been waiting for 5 weeks...I'm sure they were/are from s. cali...don't think there busting little guys there...
  20. K ?

    Thats a little hard to imagine...the dea has time to chase down a few people who ordered 3 clones....hell if thats the case why not go for the guy who just got ten seeds...that 7 more plants...a much "nicer bust"...If you run the numbers you have to sell alot of clones to get