Guano. Can I overdo it?


Active Member
I just planted my first ones outdoor. I plan to keep it as natural as possible (no artificial fertilizers etc).

I have some hermit bats in my attic and I just harvested loads of guano. I read it makes a decent fert for pot so I used some when planting and I wonder if i can overdo it fertilizeng only with guano.



Active Member
I just planted my first ones outdoor. I plan to keep it as natural as possible (no artificial fertilizers etc).

I have some hermit bats in my attic and I just harvested loads of guano. I read it makes a decent fert for pot so I used some when planting and I wonder if i can overdo it fertilizeng only with guano.


fresh is hotter than old and dry....I have used 5-10lbs perhole before with no 5 to 10 of the seabird also...but the high nitro seabird sould be used with cation...very hot...


Well-Known Member
Throw it on. Never can have enough of this vital nutrient. I've used the stuff a few times and enjoyed every final second off the final smoke of my plant.