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  1. K

    150w HPS Mini Fridge {6x Diesel Ryder AF & 6x Apollo11/Green Giant}

    coming along good mate...keen to see finish.
  2. K

    How many people see floaters? "eye related"

    I have them no.... real bother though
  3. K

    dudes who have had adult/teen circumcision

    When I had mine done... talk about pain!!!! ....I could n't walk for 12mths. sorry mate. old joke couldn't help myself lol hope all is good for ya soon!
  4. K

    I Think I Found A Good Stoner Job

    good luck...will be interesting to see how it goes!
  5. K

    So Now It's Swine Flu

    How's this for a theory.... US government release virus to remove "credit crisis" from headlines......which in my opion is whats needed !!!(remove headlines) just let the heat of a bit and get everyone back to what they do best!! opinions???
  6. K


    welcome..a world full of info on here.
  7. K

    Heaths Flooded Tube Vertical

    Iam in oz mate...found it at local hardware store...yes 4"....I am going to try a three and a half sided unit to enable a gap to enter the centre....and have the pipes turn 180 deg on its self. cheers
  8. K

    Hello everyone

    gidday welcome
  9. K

    Heaths Flooded Tube Vertical

    I have been looking to use the solvent jointed system of 4" pvc to make a similar set up, but had trouble tring to work out the rotating dam system..but have now found an external sleeve with oring/seals at each end called a "leak repair sleeve"... so it is an external fit rather than internal...
  10. K


    Hi all, am a newy here from down under...could not believe it when I found this place..its awesome, well done to all involved. I am still haveing a bit of trouble working out some of your slang and different names for things, but Iam getting there. I not much of a poster more a lurker lol...
  11. K

    Heaths Flooded Tube Vertical

    I think he means DWV which stands for Drain, Waste, Vent...... I have had trouble searching for it down under also...I believe its a presure pipe. I too had thought of the gate valve.... it would have to be mounted upside down to work the same.