How many people see floaters? "eye related"


Well-Known Member
Ever sence i was a kid i could see these glassy and transparent things floating around in my eyes, Especially when i looked through glass or watched tv and they would drift around as i moved my eyes, and even when i wasn't moving my eyes they would float by. It's really annoying but i didnt know what the hell they were untill i ran across this... ... floats.htm

I guess its common tho, Does anybody here have floaters? Do they drive you crazy when your on long car rides or when you get high?


New Member
Drink some V8.To be Honest,If I were to focus closely to a blue sky,I see lots of Microscopic lights in the space I'm focusing on.I don't know what there called,But there everywhere.


Well-Known Member
i tend to notice them when its bright in the room, or i am outside, but i just lose attention to them eventually. Doesn't bother me to much.. i used to get them a lot more when i was a kid.


Well-Known Member
Everyonce in a while after being outside on a really sunny day I will get them.

What I get that trips me the fuck out is these thin black horizontal lines that move rapidly - Only happens for a second or so every once in a while. The only way I can explain it - It is like the Matrix movies when the Matrix glitches.

The other thing is on dark nights I see little lights streak like crazy.

I have never taken any hard drugs - I dont even take over the counter pills - no head injuries.


Well-Known Member
I get them all the time aswell. I think they are permanent because I've had the same floating peices of trasparent lent since I was little, It doesn't bother me when I dont think about.

Someone also mentioned those little tiny sparks shooting in the sky. I see those alot too, especially when I'm high.

I think Stewie Griffin said it best when he said "oh little squiggly line in the corner of my eye. Why only when i ignore you, do you return to the center of my eye? Oh squiggly line it's alright, You are forgiven.
Oh squiggly line in my eye fluid, i see you lurking there in the periphery of my vision, but when I try to look at you, you scurry away. Are you shy squiggly line?"


Well-Known Member
maybe it's your eyes focusing on the cells above the lense of your eye?

maybe there's a magnification possible when cells are THAT close to the lense of your eye.


Well-Known Member
ever seen the yellow lemon with black background... ?

is that the same, and them bubbles that are transparent ? hmm yeah they suck but isnt it funny you cant catch up with it ^^


pisses me off when i get it, get it very often...


Well-Known Member
i notice them when i look at a white piece of paper in bright ass sun!! but to me they look like they're jumping all around. like worms...that's trippy, good discussion!!

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
The only time I get floaters is when I switch off the light when I go to bed or close my eyes after looking at something bright...think they're actually something else like "ghost images" or something...


Well-Known Member
Drink some V8.To be Honest,If I were to focus closely to a blue sky,I see lots of Microscopic lights in the space I'm focusing on.I don't know what there called,But there everywhere.
That's dark matter, the stuff that holds the fabric of the universe together.


Well-Known Member
Yeah ive had them for as long as I can remember. Doesnt bother me at all I just dont focus on them.