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  1. twan

    The Ultimate Bagseed Thread.

    No problem man. Nah I cant take anymore pics since I have no camera. I used my camera phone for that picture and sent it to my email. That shit is expensive, at least for a tight ass like me lol.
  2. twan

    The Ultimate Bagseed Thread.

    Man that is pretty!!
  3. twan

    The Ultimate Bagseed Thread.

    Not a very good picture. It's also the only one a have, taken about two weeks ago. I found this one seed in an ounce of beasters. I thought it would be a hermie for sure but it turned out to be a pretty good looking female.
  4. twan


    Nah man, at least not the threads for the problems I had at the beginning of the grow lol. My girl and I bought an ounce of beasters and there was this one seed in it. I thought for sure it was gonna be a hermie but thankfully it wasn't. Thanks for the comment though.
  5. twan


    My first grow attempt. Not a very good picture(taken with a camera phone) It was just an experiment but somehow I managed to get a decent plant out of it. Yield will be very small considering I only used 4 42 watt CFL's.
  6. twan

    Drug Test!

    Thanks for the advice man. But yeah they even sell tests exclusively for marijuana.
  7. twan

    Drug Test!

    Thanks man. Hoping to get airborne in my contract. I know that don't compare to the Rangers though, lol.
  8. twan

    Drug Test!

    Yeah I know man but lifes a bitch. I'll just have to look back and remember all the good time's I've spent with ol' mary jane. The worst part of it is I am growing a beautiful plant that I won't even get to smoke. Suck balls. :cry:
  9. twan

    Drug Test!

    Yeah it will be at MEPS. I've already kinda been through the process before so I know that most of the recruiters are cool with it assuming you have stopped smoking. I'm in a rush to get in because I turn 20 on the 24th and my parents are really pushing me out the door so I wanna be clean before...
  10. twan

    Drug Test!

    LOL. I have a feeling that if I piss straight water its gonna raise a little red flag. I don't know though since I'm sure there's gonna be a shit ton of people in the same situation that I'm in.
  11. twan

    Drug Test!

    Thanks for the advice fellas
  12. twan

    Drug Test!

    I have asked this question on other sites and whatnot but have gotten nothing but smartass answers. I HAVE to pass a piss test sometime after June 24(could be on that day or anytime after). The last time I smoked was May 23. Before I quit I was a HEAVY smoker for about 5 years. You guys think...
  13. twan

    Pink Pistils

    Man I would be a very happy person if it did turn purple. I didn't think it was a def. but you never know. Thanks for the response.
  14. twan

    Pink Pistils

    Quick question. This is my first grow(just some bagseed) and I'm about two weeks into flower and I recently noticed that just a few of the pistils are a bright pink color. Is there a deficiency or do y'all think its just genetics. Sorry, no pics cuz my camera sucks.
  15. twan


    By the way I used the diagnosis guide or whatever to see if I could figure it out that way but to be honest it seemed like it could be any number of deficiencies and possibly nute burn
  16. twan


    Sorry I have no pics at the time but I will have some up later if I get hold of a camera. Anyways I recently noticed some of the older bottom leaves looking kinda glossy. After a while the spots turned a gray color then eventually brown and crunchy. Now all the leaves, new and old, are doing the...
  17. twan

    Plant Problems

    I'm sure I will get blasted for this one since I'm sure this has been asked a million and one times. I have checked the grow faq and the problems and cures section of this site and still found no answers to my question. The leaves on my plant have spots on them that are sort of really dark green...
  18. twan

    First Time CFL Closet Grow

    Will do man. Appreciate the comments
  19. twan

    First Time CFL Closet Grow

    Lol. Yeah I don't plan to give up on it. I just wanted to experiment first seeing how its not the cheapest hobby around. I'm looking to go with a small autoflowering strain when I do order my seeds though do to limited space and time.
  20. twan

    First Time CFL Closet Grow

    And I forgot to mention that I transplanted it from MG Organic Choice or whatever its called