Drug Test!


Active Member
I have asked this question on other sites and whatnot but have gotten nothing but smartass answers. I HAVE to pass a piss test sometime after June 24(could be on that day or anytime after). The last time I smoked was May 23. Before I quit I was a HEAVY smoker for about 5 years. You guys think with exercise I will be able to pass? By the way the test is for the military so needless to say it is important that I pass.


Active Member
Don't do any exercise the week before you test. Be REALLY lazy. A few hours before the test, take 3 asprin, start drinking a full glass of water or soda (high carb is best) every 20 minutes and pissing when needed. Along with this, eat a BIG breakfast/lunch, take a few more asprin an hour or so before the test. I think almost anyone can pass this way. I doubt you'll need to do this, but its insurance to help you pass. Don't worry about pissing water raising suspicions. Never let the piss test sample be your first piss of the day.


dont smoke for 10-14 days, and on the day of your test drown yourself with water and piss like 10 times before you go drop. give them the urine from middle stream its cleanest. drinking lots of water shuts down your kidneys for a lil bit not letting them release more t.h.c. in you piss, plus what thc in there for that time will be pissed out the 10 times u piss. works everytime on probation labtests. if not id be in the joint


Active Member
dont smoke for 10-14 days, and on the day of your test drown yourself with water and piss like 10 times before you go drop. give them the urine from middle stream its cleanest. drinking lots of water shuts down your kidneys for a lil bit not letting them release more t.h.c. in you piss, plus what thc in there for that time will be pissed out the 10 times u piss. works everytime on probation labtests. if not id be in the joint
LOL. I have a feeling that if I piss straight water its gonna raise a little red flag. I don't know though since I'm sure there's gonna be a shit ton of people in the same situation that I'm in.


Well-Known Member
You havent smoked in over 30 days (by June 24th). The amount of THC in your system will most likely be at a level below the tolerance set in the test. Stay hydrated and make sure its not the first piss of the day...It wont be though. If your hydrated enough you'll be pissing all night.

Is it at MEPS (entrance physical) or at the boot camp location? I know the recruiters here have disposable tests they give before sending you to your official physical. They dont want to lose out on the credit for you joining so I would ask them. Tell them you went to a concert and are scared cuz people were smoking near you.


Active Member
You havent smoked in over 30 days (by June 24th). The amount of THC in your system will most likely be at a level below the tolerance set in the test. Stay hydrated and make sure its not the first piss of the day...It wont be though. If your hydrated enough you'll be pissing all night.

Is it at MEPS (entrance physical) or at the boot camp location? I know the recruiters here have disposable tests they give before sending you to your official physical. They dont want to lose out on the credit for you joining so I would ask them. Tell them you went to a concert and are scared cuz people were smoking near you.
Yeah it will be at MEPS. I've already kinda been through the process before so I know that most of the recruiters are cool with it assuming you have stopped smoking. I'm in a rush to get in because I turn 20 on the 24th and my parents are really pushing me out the door so I wanna be clean before I talk to the recruiter. I'm just getting really worried cuz I've been doing more research and some people say that it could take 3 months! Thats a damn long time


Active Member
Joining the military man and if so say goodbye to weed...
Yeah I know man but lifes a bitch. I'll just have to look back and remember all the good time's I've spent with ol' mary jane. The worst part of it is I am growing a beautiful plant that I won't even get to smoke. Suck balls. :cry:


Well-Known Member
Go to Walgreens and buy one of their test kits. IDK how it compares to what they will be using but you could use it to see if you test positive/negative.


Active Member
Go to Walgreens and buy one of their test kits. IDK how it compares to what they will be using but you could use it to see if you test positive/negative.
Cool! Didn't know about these. I'll definitely pick up a couple.

Twan: Don't worry! You'll be good to go. Like I said, just follow my procedures for insurance. Don't worry about pissing water, but take a few Vitamin B-12 or B-Complex tablets if you want. Don't over do them or you could piss fluorescent!!


Active Member
Cool! Didn't know about these. I'll definitely pick up a couple.

Twan: Don't worry! You'll be good to go. Like I said, just follow my procedures for insurance. Don't worry about pissing water, but take a few Vitamin B-12 or B-Complex tablets if you want. Don't over do them or you could piss fluorescent!!
Thanks for the advice man. But yeah they even sell tests exclusively for marijuana.