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    Attention Atheist

    CHRISTIANITY : The belief that if you telepathically speak to someone in the sky, and symbolically eat their jewish zombie offsprings flesh and drink their blood, you'll live a utopia afterlife. I'm agnostic.
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    The Auto-Flowering SCAM!! is this true or false??

    Are you the girl in the picture? Or a guy who likes hot girls?
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    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    Whats the velcro used for exactly? Pictures for better explantation
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    Am I overwatering?

    I'm noob grower and have a question. I've had my ladies in my basement for around two weeks now, and they're light stays on 24 hours a day, is this a bad thing or should I have them on 18/6 or something? They're doing rather okay. No signs of dying anytime soon.
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    impress me for free glass

    My rhyme was well thought out, its probably because you didnt have the musical stylings of Bootsie Collins bumpin in your head like I did! bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie Smileys related : me last night haha
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    impress me for free glass

    What about my rhyme, win me anything?bongsmilie
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    impress me for free glass

    Up on the rooftop arose such a clatter I thought a fat guy done fell off a ladder I looked out the window and to my surprise The ganja monster was looking me in the eyes I tried not to scream, I tried not to point He started laughing and sparked up a joint I thought he was evil but later found...