Am I overwatering?


Well-Known Member
Here is a pic of mine at day 20

Day 21 is tomorrow and i took this pic around 3 hours ago.

I only water when the pots feel lighter.

I used a 6400k 24w T5 for 10 days and then under a 6400k 125w CFL for the last 10days

If you wanna check my grow here is a link

Follow what i did and you wont go far wrong.

Hope this helped..



Active Member
I agree with mygirls 100%. I go with ocean forest and add 30-40% perilite. Thats what i used and my girls loved it.
well I havent watered since friday and its tuesday today i only water them when the soil gets dry but it seems the soil may never be dry


Your plants do not look 20 days old thats for sure, I have plants outside that are double the size of these and there only a week and a half old ! U may need to try new seeds man. Also when u see purple stems like that it means over watering but u said u didnt water for sometime now so that shouldnt be a problem.


Active Member
Well I have my babies in fox farms organic soil mixed with a few other soils for volume. They are about 20 days old and have been on 18/6 light cycle 3 purple kush plants and 3 bagseed. Most of them are curling under, anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
what kind of light's are you using
what are the temp's

they don't look good put them out in the sun for a few day's (window sill) and see if you get any improvement's


Active Member
Not to be insulting, but those do look terrible for 20 days...if you saw what I've seen after 20 days, you might soil your pants. Looking like they need more light and less H2O. Try the window sill idea like just was saying


Well-Known Member
Not to be insulting, but those do look terrible for 20 days...if you saw what I've seen after 20 days, you might soil your pants. Looking like they need more light and less H2O. Try the window sill idea like just was saying
Im gona have to go with this guy..

More light and less wattering.
I dont know what it could be i checked the root ball and the roots are touching the bottom of the container which wasnt too moist plus im giving them 4 26 watt cfls 3 inches away from the tips


Active Member
Well I have my babies in fox farms organic soil mixed with a few other soils for volume.
Well what other soil's miracle grow? dirt from the back yard?

maybe bad seed's?

i don't know

what are the temp's?????

sorry try posting in plant problem's maybe you can get more help there


Active Member
I'm noob grower and have a question. I've had my ladies in my basement for around two weeks now, and they're light stays on 24 hours a day, is this a bad thing or should I have them on 18/6 or something? They're doing rather okay. No signs of dying anytime soon.
well the soil is 1 part fox farms soil to 1 part ednas organic plus a lil bit of cactus soil for drainage and ground soil with added perlite now the biggest plant is starting to turn brown and break apart even after watering