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  1. ajsawred

    what flavors are you toking on???

    I agree man that's ridiculous. I never buy shit i like the strains with high THC content.
  2. ajsawred

    problems with swisher sweets and rolling

    Dutch master is the way to go man.
  3. ajsawred

    Who Has or Has Not Smoked Hash?????

    Yah it is dude i got a 3 gram brick of it for 15 dollars at a festival once. It wasnt bull shit either it was amazing.
  4. ajsawred

    Does anyone else have a 420 scope?

    I have a 420 scope but i dont really like it. Does anyone know of any other good bud microscopes?
  5. ajsawred

    So I am gonna be tryin acid for the first time

    Yah i agree. He would probably mirk out with the money.
  6. ajsawred

    Who Has or Has Not Smoked Hash?????

    Blonde hash anyone?
  7. ajsawred

    Who's tokin?

    Me too man!
  8. ajsawred

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Every Morning I hit a custom triple perc to start the day.
  9. ajsawred

    Bought some new glass.

    I also had a successful order with them. That piece has lasted years.
  10. ajsawred

    what percent thc is this pic

    I agree i was just saying it had a similar picture. Im not trying to judge THC content based on a picture.
  11. ajsawred

    I need a new drug

    four letters MDMA
  12. ajsawred

    what percent thc is this pic

    It kinda looks like that ice bud which is supposed to be like 33% or something crazy like that.
  13. ajsawred

    Im going camping but wat to do

    Shrooms in the woods is fun anyway you do it. haha
  14. ajsawred

    Apollo 11

    Has anyone had that Brothers Grimm strain called Apollo 11? I think i have some its got a great lemon hint to it with good purple coloring. It is kinda leafy though.
  15. ajsawred

    I think i have some mids on my hands

    I usually go with blunts when it comes to mids, throw some kif in there with it.
  16. ajsawred

    Radiohead Anyone?

    Hell yah man i love Radiohead when im smoking.
  17. ajsawred

    Top 60 Stoned Songs

    Dr. Octagon is the shit.
  18. ajsawred

    Rehab- anyone else dig em?

    Yah they're alright i got super burned out on them last year though.
  19. ajsawred

    Prices per pound?

    Beast 3600.