I think i have some mids on my hands


Well-Known Member
Shit, I didn't get stoned the first 3 times I smoked, my buddy too (HS and we bought a bag to smoke for shits and giggles). The third time we smoked we got so stoned we just sat there for like 2 hours.. Had a few friends that were like this too. Finally hit them like the 2nd or 3rd time. The worst is when you get the giggles during one of your first highs. Thats shit just don't stop. Damn that was years ago. Hell, we were using big red gum wrappers to smoke out of cuz we just didn't have a fuggin clue, lol. That probablly didn't help the laughing because were laughing our asses off at our ghetto ass joint made with a gum wrapper... LOL.

ha how was smoking from big red wrappers?


Well-Known Member
idk why but like weed gets old for a while then after like amonth u want to do it again. its just weird. Its fun but i just cant stand the crash and waking up the next morning and cant get off the couch. is it just me or does it seem to sometimes get old.


Well-Known Member
idk why but like weed gets old for a while then after like amonth u want to do it again. its just weird. Its fun but i just cant stand the crash and waking up the next morning and cant get off the couch. is it just me or does it seem to sometimes get old.
just roll up another one and do it again. If you think weed has a bad crash you probably haven't tried too many other drugs. I like weed because when I come down I don't feel like shit. hate coming down off pills and the next day is even worse.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
haha the dude just was like you want $25 right, and he just starting putting on a scale and was like alright.


Well-Known Member
i had to smoke it out of a bowl. me and my friend smoked like 3 bowls and the last bowl just dumped what was left and it was more like a mound than a bowl lol and i got fucking high as hell.


Well-Known Member
Dude I would never pay that much for mids, where the fuck do you live where shit sells for that much?


Well-Known Member
whats mids? is that what yall call schwagg?
i never herd of the term mids....


Well-Known Member
Mids are like between schwag and kine. They're not bullshit, but they're not super-buds. Mid-grade, in other words. Mids, middies, mid-grades, M-O-Rs... whateva.


Well-Known Member
[Lucas];2370817 said:
Dude I would never pay that much for mids, where the fuck do you live where shit sells for that much?

south carolina.

I paid $25 for 4.6g of good mids. whats wrong with that


Well-Known Member
Mids are like between schwag and kine. They're not bullshit, but they're not super-buds. Mid-grade, in other words. Mids, middies, mid-grades, M-O-Rs... whateva.
oh ok, thanks for the info. I only get either Schwagg or Dro over where i live.... not a lot of choice.


Well-Known Member
nothing is wrong with that in my book except weed these days are just so damn expensive my father once told me that when he was in high school he used to by a half ounce of dank for 12 bucks haha. hes not that old ether i think he was born in 69. but yea anyways thants not too bad


Well-Known Member
No not you, somebody said they looked like good mids worth like 35$ a 8th farther back into this thread. That stuff looks similier to what my brother gets 100$ a zip and sells for 25$ a 8th, so don't think you paid too much I was just responding to somebody who said they were worth 35$ a 8th


Well-Known Member
I can get a 1/4 of decent shit for $35... and that's probably not even the best price 'round here. I'm too lazy too look/don't know that many people is all. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
when my plant is finsihed budding and i harvest it and weigh it and start selling ill probably just sell it in small amounts like 20 sacs and not weight, so that i can determine how much i give and can make a good profit off of a free plant $)