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  1. Indio

    Can a plant go from flowering to vegging?

    No worries, I've done it many times. Re-pot 'em, put 'em back on veg nutes & light schedule ( outdoors, sunshine seems to work best) and be patient. I've pulled it off up to 3 times with the same plants in the past.
  2. Indio

    Wierd Leaves Comin into Week 5

    Soil's gone toxic. Transplant 'em, quick- then cut back on the nutes...
  3. Indio

    Attitude Seedbank sucks

    Sorry, but if I need to lie to them to get them to step up and make things right, they're nobody I want to deal with again. If that makes me "slow", then so be it- There's plenty of other places that sell the same thing and would value my business enough to want to keep it. BTW; that was my 1st...
  4. Indio

    Attitude Seedbank sucks

    Attitude just pulled the same shit on me- I emailed them the 411, and they told me they only sell seeds as "souvenirs" and as long as I received them, the matter is considered closed. I ordered 10 beans total 2 different strains. Germed them all together- all 5 Barney's popped, all 5 Greenhouse...
  5. Indio

    Organic Newb

    And a project is born- thanks, my friend ...
  6. Indio

    Organic Newb

    Hola; I popped a couple beans a few days ago and things are kinda slow at the moment. I thought I might like to try a soil/ organic grow and see what happens. I took a walk through the woods yesterday and picked up a few lbs of "deer leavins", thinking I might somehow be able to work it into the...
  7. Indio

    Severe curling under of leaves...HELP!!

    I had a couple plants that did that- never did figure it out. I just flushed & re-potted 'em and they finally out grew it, but it took a long time. They're 3 weeks into flower as I write this- so far, so good...
  8. Indio

    Dealing With Mold.

    Low humidity, let plant dry thoroughly before watering, use 2 tsp peroxide per gallon of water- Bob's yer uncle...
  9. Indio

    Light Movers

    I run 2 6ft. rails, end to end- I made a "slave" for one rail, to which I built/ attached "outriggers". I connected the slave to the motor which travels on the other 6 ft. rail via a 6ft length of 1/2" band. I have the option of either running 2 single lights over 12 lineal ft. of table, or 2...
  10. Indio

    Light Movers

    I do- Cuts down on the energy consumption for veg, as I can get away with 1 lamp for 8 or 9 plants. I still use 2 lamps to flower, though. My plants seem to thrive using the mover as opposed to before I used one. I'll never grow without one again.
  11. Indio

    Helicopters, thermal FLIR cameras ~ actual crop shown!

    Seems to me the best chance to negate FLIR lies in selective breeding- breed in traits that favor lower light requirements. I've actually heard the Nazi's state that one of the ways FLIR CAN be defeated, is if the ganja is planted under a tree's canopy (in shade)...
  12. Indio

    Transplanting Newly Rooted Clones

    Howdy- I took some cuttings from the lower branches of one of my girls about one week ago and put them in my "bubble box". I'm happy to say they are all showing roots already:hump: I'm wondering what's the best soil to pot 'em up in- I've got some Happy Frog, Miracle Grow Organic, plain peat...
  13. Indio

    Mold after 8 months of storing

    I've always had good luck with storing it in my deepfreeze...
  14. Indio

    Mystery Bug

    Leafhopper- I hear they're harmless on dope plants, but they DO destroy a lot of the other plants around here- I'd kill 'em, if I saw any on my plants ...
  15. Indio

    Some Insect I.D. Perhaps?

    Juvenile Leafhopper- Start spraying for them ASAP, as they'll defiantly do leaf damage if you don't...
  16. Indio

    Some Help Diagnosing Problem- Drooping leaves and discoloration

    I had the same thing- Lay off the nutes for a week or three, and ALWAYS check your water's PH before you water,( also, let your soil dry out before watering). I switched from tap water to water from a nearby creek, figuring (correctly, it appears) that it has minerals that the tap water doesn't...
  17. Indio

    Best Seedling Soil?

    This is all very useful to me- Thank you very much for the response! -El Indio-
  18. Indio

    Best Seedling Soil?

    Thanks for steppin' up, 420- I guess I didn't realize what a tough crowd this is...
  19. Indio

    Best Seedling Soil?

    Hola; I'm having a problem I believe is soil related- I germinated 8 seeds in wet paper towels w/ no problems. After I removed them from the towels, I put them into styrofoam cups filled w/ "seed starter mix" I bought at Home Depot. Everything went fine for a few days and then one by one, I...
  20. Indio

    Light Question

    I had the same trouble finding a timer that broke both lines- I ended up buying a 120v greybox timer and a 120v activated 2 load 240v relay- as a bonus, I ended up with a timer controlled 120v outlet as well... Thanks again -El Indio-