Light Movers


I do- Cuts down on the energy consumption for veg, as I can get away with 1 lamp for 8 or 9 plants. I still use 2 lamps to flower, though. My plants seem to thrive using the mover as opposed to before I used one. I'll never grow without one again.


Well-Known Member
Ill second that! Go with the 2 light mover double bang for the buck.


I run 2 6ft. rails, end to end- I made a "slave" for one rail, to which I built/ attached "outriggers". I connected the slave to the motor which travels on the other 6 ft. rail via a 6ft length of 1/2" band. I have the option of either running 2 single lights over 12 lineal ft. of table, or 2 lamps over one table. The setup was pretty easy to build, and it's been fun to play with.