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  1. aswonder

    Any tips on how to sell your stuff?

    yo i've been in the business for a while, you need to know the right people, dont trust everyone, and keep shit to ur self, if ur going to sell u better make sure u have known the guy for more than a year. trust me
  2. aswonder

    ok i need some help...

    ok so im growing again this year but this time, i moved out and live with my gf. and she doesnt know i grow, but i germinated 5 seeds and all 5 came through. i plants all 5 in a pot with some soil and PH soil mixed and watered it. after a few days the 1rst one came through the dirt and then an...
  3. aswonder

    Ive been smoking for 4 months.straight.

    yeah you should be fine but ya watch out for what pills you use.
  4. aswonder

    Ive been smoking for 4 months.straight.

    go to or and order this stuf that clears your system out in a day, or drink alot of green tea and water, i had a job interview 3 days before i stopped smoking and all i did was drink water and green tea and i passed the piss test. hope this helps
  5. aswonder

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    wow that helped out man, they look nice, i just started to grow mine
  6. aswonder

    hahahahahhahahah wow

    hahahahahhahahah wow
  7. aswonder

    Wats wrong with my seeds

    if u used the paper towel method than u prb screwed up, or the seeds were just not good, but yeah 100 is real good.... but any way take a huge tray and put paper towels on them and then spray them with water untill there moist, put your seeds on them and then cover them up, make sure its dark...
  8. aswonder

    help got advice to repot during flowering stage is this ok?

    dude what are you trying to grow, your making everything to complicating when its really simple. if your going to repott it and you think its packed down to tight than u need to add more water and carefully try to cut out the plant but make sure you dont damage none of the roots and put it into...
  9. aswonder

    the most fucked up thing someone ever did to me(must read)

    lol shit... well i prb dont have the best storyy but its funny... i had a 420 party at my crib. last year. we had a lil more than half a pound of some canadian dank and shit. all of my boys roll like 15 blunts, we had a nice fire out a few girls and started to smoke the funny thing was that my...
  10. aswonder

    In your opinion...... Is pot an addictive substance?

    weed can be addicting and it may not it depends on the person, if the person has high tolerance, mental cability and other factors. i have experiemented and founf out that you the person chooses to be addictive not the drug/ plant itself. its your inner strength!!!
  11. aswonder

    Whats the most effective curing method

    nice i did mine the same way last year, and they came out great, i had 8 jars with skunk tree and only one jar went bad but i came across this and thought it was very impressive, great job dude
  12. aswonder

    germinating in water

    ok i studied different sources for planting and germinating seeds. the best that worked for me was the paper towel method. what i did was take a few seeds put them on the paper towl and spray them and than put another paper towl on them and spray some water until the paper towel is moist. put in...
  13. aswonder

    First Grow need a proffessional opinion

    shit that sucks lol
  14. aswonder

    First Grow need a proffessional opinion

    can't really tell but i think its a femail, which would be good. you can tell if its a male if it has "sacks" instead of the bud and the female would does not have the sacks its shaped like a (V) if it is a male plant then you have to remove it before it pollinates the female. hope that helped