germinating in water


Active Member
24 hours, then put them in between wetted paper towels.
i have 15 seeds that someone gave me i didnt soak them in water i just put them in between wet paper towels. its been 4 days and ive got nothing. can i soak them for 24 hours and try again???:hump:


Well-Known Member
i put mine in water for 24hrs. then straight into soil. the less handling the better imo.


Well-Known Member
despite the hype of paper towles. just put them into the dirt. all those paper owel methods and what not seem to slow the process down. ive had more luck with seeds geminating when i put them into the dirt than wih paper towels


Well-Known Member
i usally just use the paper towel method and i have been thinking about just planting them in the dirt after reading this. I Think ill try a few seeds in the dirt next time and see how it works out, is their anything else to do when you put strait in to the dirt and then watering.



Well-Known Member
I just droped mine in a glass of water until they sank 6hrs then a few more hrs for good measure. Now they are in paper Towels. (Violater Kush, NY Special). One VK did not sink, I bet it is a bummer seed.


I just droped mine in a glass of water until they sank 6hrs then a few more hrs for good measure. Now they are in paper Towels. (Violater Kush, NY Special). One VK did not sink, I bet it is a bummer seed.
ok i studied different sources for planting and germinating seeds. the best that worked for me was the paper towel method. what i did was take a few seeds put them on the paper towl and spray them and than put another paper towl on them and spray some water until the paper towel is moist. put in dark place for aboiut 3 days.
my seeds sprouted within 3 days then find a place to plant them and place them with the root down. it sheould deff work. I plants the seeds 3 days ago and already 2 of them came up through the ground!!!1


Well-Known Member
Iv'e always used the paper towel method, I just put them in PT this am but I think I am going to go ahead and put them in a jiffy pot green house (fits 10 from walmart). I also presoak and one seed did not sink, so I will plant it but I am going to put a replacement seed straight into jiffy pot.


Well-Known Member
just put them in the soil. what if you dont use soil?

IMO its not about the water, soil or the paper towel holding you up. its the environment. whatever method you use you need a warm moist dark environment.

i use the paper towel method. then place it in a baggie, then put the baggie in a warm place. the top of my computer tower works for me. if i had to put a % on the success rate i say 90% out of bagseed and 100% out of good genetics.

check out my grow it shows you step by step on how i grem seeds for hydro. same as soil.