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  1. I

    share yer experience with sannies seeds

    Excellente! I ordered early December 2013, seeds still hadn't arrived by the 26th, and tracking just said "out for delivery" for 2 weeks, but no seeds. Sannie immediately reshipped, no questions, no explaining, then the original order showed up a few days later. Sannie's a breath of fresh air...
  2. I

    Mailing time to Sannies?

    Yep, received my seeds about the 14th or 15th. I've noticed a lot of USPS tracking only says out for delivery, never confirms it was actually delivered, which it did in my case. But it was about 4 weeks from when I mailed the cash, no worries, sometimes international stuff just gets stalled...
  3. I

    Mailing time to Sannies?

    I sent money to Sannie on11/11/13, got an email it was received, and then shipped on the 11/20. Tracking says it's here, but not delivered yet, figured it's the holidays. This is my first order with him.
  4. I

    Better than super soil?

    Hmmmm, now this is interesting, thanks. My idea is to begin each grow with a neutral medium, and read a lot of guys flushing their soil before re-using. I'd forgotten nitrogen is soluble, duh. I'm doing mostly Hempy buckets now, 100% perlite, which doesn't seem to retain anything.
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    Best way to start seeds. Not new grower, just don't have luck with seeds

    Amen to that, I should add, that on most 100% germ runs, usually one or two don't make it, or are very weak plants. Another thing I always do, MAKE MY OWN SEEDS! I just started 20 Kali Mist last night, have hundreds of them. Always buy regular seeds, make a batch of your own, then sprout what...
  6. I

    Best way to start seeds. Not new grower, just don't have luck with seeds

    Yeah, yeah, but it's not that easy. You should always get a hygromalarkinator reading on the moisture content of your water, and the longitude and latitude of the cupboard, being careful to align the bag with summer solstice of 1913, to maximize the gravitational pull on the sprouts.
  7. I

    Best way to start seeds. Not new grower, just don't have luck with seeds

    I've used paper towels for 30 years, until I got "learned" the right way on all these blogs. Why, with a little effort, rock wool, ph'ing water, soaking, root plugs, hydrogen peroxide, bleach, tweezers, humidity domes, and heat pads, I took my average germination rate from virtually 100% with...
  8. I

    Better than super soil?

    I hear you on the recycling, but what I've run into, after a few runs with the same mix, coir/perlite, the nutes get all out of whack, even with extensive rinses. I tested my last one after the 2nd grow, having flushed with gallons of water, and it had virtually no nitrogen, but was loaded with...
  9. I

    Better than super soil?

    Oh, lord, yes! Pro-Mix, Coir, Sphagnum Peat, Perlite, Subcool's mix, 3 little birds, as many recipes as stars in the sky. But none as "easy" as the Super Soil. We hang Miracle Grow users 'round here! Just depends on what you want, if you want easy, no mix, straight forward, potting soil...
  10. I

    Rolling leaf edges? Need advice!

    Could be strain specific, too, they look pretty good to me.
  11. I

    Rolling leaf edges? Need advice!

    Stop going for perfection, you'll stress yourself and your plants out. Looks like they are growing too perfect, better give them more. Seriously, they look fine, mine do that too, especially with growth spurts. Plants distort sometimes simply because they grow too fast, especially if you're...
  12. I

    The Attitude Seedbank, Unprofessional, Careless, Dangerous

    Man, I showed them the patience of Job, it was literally 20 emails, back and forth, and I never got pissy till the last. I think you're exactly right, they thought I was trying to scam them. But still, is was so obviously THEIR mistake, so doesn't matter whether I got the seeds or not, or...
  13. I

    The Attitude Seedbank, Unprofessional, Careless, Dangerous

    I was more paranoid about the customs having my address, but also the possibility someone I did not want, at the address, intercepting my mail. I initially wrote Attitude, not to ask for a reship, but to just inform them of the seizure. When they offered to reship, I asked if they could reship...
  14. I

    The Attitude Seedbank, Unprofessional, Careless, Dangerous

    Here it is guys, you all have an opinion, and experiences with Attitude. So have I, for 5 years, they are the only Seedbank I've used. I've defended them in blogs, and felt they tried to do the right thing. However, my recent interactions, seizures, 20+ emails(will explain in a minute)...
  15. I


    Same thing happened to me, customs cleared them on 8/25 or, no green tape, no note, no seeds, just t-shirt. Attitude then closed down, but before they did, I got approval to reship to a different address. When they reopened, they seemed a bit confused, but they did follow up on my emails...
  16. I

    seeds seized, now busted chicago isc

    Hey, Vein, I just had 1 10 pack from Attitude seized in Chitown on the 23rd, it was opened, neatly repacked with seeds removed and sealed with clear tape, no green tape, no letter, nothing. How long was it from when your seeds were taken until they showed up? Did you receive "the letter" and...
  17. I

    Sooo let get a tally goin. lets see how many beans really have been snagged.

    1 order, contained 1 10 pack of seeds, from Attitude, in Chicago, on 8/29/13 No green tape, no letter, just opened, seeds removed, resealed with clear tape.
  18. I

    Chicago Seed Seizures 2013

    Ok, I'd like to hear from ANYONE who's had their seeds seized, and then had a visit from Leo. The only two cases I can find are the Columbus Indiana doctor, who had ordered multiple times with some seizures, and customs did alert the State Police in that case, but as I understand, it was also a...
  19. I

    Chicago Seed Seizures 2013

    Never thought it would happen to me, but got my first order seized yesterday, 10 seeds, in stealth, from Attitude, to the midwest. The package was open and resealed with clear tape, but no green tape, no letter, no seeds, only a t shirt. And yes I looked thoroughly. I've always shipped to my...