The Attitude Seedbank, Unprofessional, Careless, Dangerous


Here it is guys, you all have an opinion, and experiences with Attitude. So have I, for 5 years, they are the only Seedbank I've used. I've defended them in blogs, and felt they tried to do the right thing. However, my recent interactions, seizures, 20+ emails(will explain in a minute) indicates that the company is being run like a back room porn shop. They sell seeds illegally to the US, and know if they fuck up, customers aren't going to bitch, just like the 50 year old accountant ordering sex tapes his wife won't find. In a word, their attitude stinks.

I had seeds seized in August, contacted them right before the shut down, and they agreed to reship to a DIFFERENT address. They then shut down for 3 weeks. When they reopened, I inquired about my order, different person. In all, I got emails from Jodie, Laura, and "the attitude", none of which had any recollection of my previous emails, pictures of customs clear tape, proof my seeds weren't there. This is about 8 emails. I then resent pictures, with copies of previous emails and new address, which could not be received for a week, kept bouncing back. When they were received, I got an email my seeds were reshipped. 15 emails. I tracked the reshipped seeds, they sent them to the old address, which was not secure. Plus, I didn't want seeds reshipped to an address Customs just stole seeds from, duh. Here's where it got really offensive.

Jodie sends an email asking if I've asked whoever lives there, now, for my seeds, and if I lived with anyone else. I told her that was no one's business but my own, and the error in shipment may cause me a great deal of embarassment, to put it lightly. I also copied her email with the "safe" address, again reminding them that, no, I didn't get my seeds, and that this WAS THEIR MISTAKE.

I then get another questioning email from Laura, asking if I lived at that address, and that the tracking shows it was delivered. NO shit, Sherlock!! I first emailed them when I tracked the damn thing to the old address.

Look, goddamn it, I don't do business with assholes like this. I was NEVER the least bit hostile, in any of my communications. In the last, I did firmly say we shouldn't be having this conversation, given it was clearly their fuck up, with clearly documented emails.

What I'm describing is a cluster fuck, but worse, a company who has a culture of "fuck you", because they know most won't push the issue. It so smacked of screw you, what are you going to do about it?

I've had great experience with Attitude, that's why I used them, never had a problem. But the measure of a company is what they do when you DO have a problem, not what they do when you don't. I will never use these assholes again. You may feel differently, but after the thousands I've spent with them, my loyalty, to have to fight for the right thing, is unacceptable. THEY ARE GOING TO GET SOMEBODY BUSTED!


Well-Known Member
They have been nothing but good to me sorry to hear that. I heard Sannies Shop is good but IDK...


Active Member
Lot's of loyal attitude customers are complaining. Seizures are a part of the seed business & it's no-doubt calculated in the prices charged. You'd think they'd treat any client better than you got but a long & loyal customer? It sounds like attitude has become a victim of it's own success.

Idk, I haven't tried attitude. I've used Sea of Seeds twice in the last twelve months & I haven't really had a problem. Good seeds [so far so good - 100%, 5 for 5.] good stealth, good customer/after sales service. They even have a rep [E M] here on Riu & answers any query promptly. They may well be picking up disgruntled attitude customers, my latest order took ages to process, business must be picking up for them.


Well-Known Member
I may be totally wrong on this but did you give a different address on the reship because you didnt get mail there anymore or because you were paranoid about customs possibly having your address?


Active Member
Sorry to hear this, I also dropped Attitude after being with them before they were even Attitude. Now I don't buy my seeds online at all, I just ask people on here or friends who grow for theirs. The last order I purchased was over $200, and it said delivered when it wasn't. (No I don't live with anyone besides a dog, and no customs did no seize them.) USPS could only comment on saying it was delivered according to records, and if I wanted I could file a claim (Yea for seeds.... ok)

When I contacted them they said since it shows delivered I'm not covered by their ship guarantee (Which cost me around $20-25 since I wanted to the highest stealth/guarantee)

Even my USPS guy (Who I know VERY well, even saw him on the same island for vacation as me and we chilled a night or two at the bar) said he had no idea I was waiting for a package from the UK and didn't see any.

So yea I cut them off from my money.


I may be totally wrong on this but did you give a different address on the reship because you didnt get mail there anymore or because you were paranoid about customs possibly having your address?
I was more paranoid about the customs having my address, but also the possibility someone I did not want, at the address, intercepting my mail. I initially wrote Attitude, not to ask for a reship, but to just inform them of the seizure. When they offered to reship, I asked if they could reship to a PO Box, and they agreed. This was right about the time they shut down, so I tried to be very understanding. The appearance was, they were just very disorganized, too many people were handling the same emails, ie, the right hand didn't know what the left was doing.

But when they clearly resent, to the address I emphatically asked them NOT to resend to, then began questioning me about my living arrangements, seeds were delivered, etc, I nixed the conversation with them. Look, this was only a 10 pack of seeds, I don't do any orders, ever, over 2-3 at a time. So I was like, what the hell, guys? In fairness, I'm sure they deal with a lot of douche bags. But it would seem obvious, given their product, that if they've resent to a wrong address, to accept their error, no matter what they had to do. I think they try to do the right thing, as they did reship, I tracked the mofo.

Ok, let's cut to the chase-anyone ever had a relationship breakup? NUff SAID, but I shouldn't have to explain that shit to a UK seed seller. They jeopardized my security with their error, and they didn't care. That's dangerous, careless, and assumes EVERYONE is a douche bag trying to screw them.


Well-Known Member
They were wrong, no doubt, but il guarantee you that they thought the exact same thing that I did, some guy got scared cuz customs nabbed his shit, switched addresses cuz hes paranoid, we fucked up n sent it to the original address, he got the beans and now thinks he should get another free order because we sent it to the original address. I think thats what they were trying to sort out and they couldnt relay what they were asking, you got pissy and then they said fuck it. Thats what I think happened, im sure they get bullshit emails 7 days a week from people tryin to get reships. But they were wrong, im with ya


They were wrong, no doubt, but il guarantee you that they thought the exact same thing that I did, some guy got scared cuz customs nabbed his shit, switched addresses cuz hes paranoid, we fucked up n sent it to the original address, he got the beans and now thinks he should get another free order because we sent it to the original address. I think thats what they were trying to sort out and they couldnt relay what they were asking, you got pissy and then they said fuck it. Thats what I think happened, im sure they get bullshit emails 7 days a week from people tryin to get reships. But they were wrong, im with ya
Even if that's what they were thinking as a professional outfit they should still resend.. that's the kind of paranoid attitude you expect off a small time ebay seller not an actual business.


Active Member
maybe shudda paid extra for garunteed stealth?
lesson, i bet they get tons of emails saying my shits no landed blach blah

oh well ivenever had a problem andthats all that matters

good luck


They were wrong, no doubt, but il guarantee you that they thought the exact same thing that I did, some guy got scared cuz customs nabbed his shit, switched addresses cuz hes paranoid, we fucked up n sent it to the original address, he got the beans and now thinks he should get another free order because we sent it to the original address. I think thats what they were trying to sort out and they couldnt relay what they were asking, you got pissy and then they said fuck it. Thats what I think happened, im sure they get bullshit emails 7 days a week from people tryin to get reships. But they were wrong, im with ya
Man, I showed them the patience of Job, it was literally 20 emails, back and forth, and I never got pissy till the last. I think you're exactly right, they thought I was trying to scam them. But still, is was so obviously THEIR mistake, so doesn't matter whether I got the seeds or not, or shouldn't, they sent contraband to an insecure address, which I may still end up hearing about. I hope not. Been wanting to try Sannies gear anyway. Attitude is too big, and they attract too much attention, now. I'm done with them.