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  1. mitrehsif

    plants go dorment or die?

    It already has flowered, i've already harvested the top 3rd of the plant. My problem is that I grow outdoor and I don't want to reveg my plant yet, I want to reveg my plant in March instead of reveging now and keeping it under cfls all winter. I just want to know if this is plausible, or will...
  2. mitrehsif

    plants go dorment or die?

    It gets like -20 -25 celsius in February. Hell, could I just put it in my house?
  3. mitrehsif

    plants go dorment or die?

    Do marijuana plants go dorment during the winter or die? Is it the light cycle that kills them or the cold? I have a plant left from this years outdoor grow, and I would like to leave it in my greenhouse for the winter and reveg it next spring for cloning, instead of putting it under cfls for...
  4. mitrehsif

    Places to look for Marijuana ?

    Yes the stealing plants is a shit thing to do I agree. However, I will also agree it is very unlikely that someone is gonna shoot you over it in Canada. Maybe in the US but not Canada. US gun related homicides 2005 - 10,100 Canadian gun related homicides 2005- 222 (of which most...
  5. mitrehsif

    A Couple Of Outdoor Plant Problems...

    top pic looks like spider mites
  6. mitrehsif

    how does a mother plant work?

    So what happens if cut the branch off below the leaflets? Will anything grow back there?
  7. mitrehsif

    how does a mother plant work?

    im still a bit fuzzy on cloning and the mother plant. what happens after you have taken some cuttings off the bottom part of the plant? do the branches grow back after you cut them off or do you just keep moving further up the plant and taking your clones? does 1 branch=1clone or can you...
  8. mitrehsif

    harvesting hermaphrodite plants?

    good news, my isolated hermie plants ended up being 100% female plants.. funny looking pistals i guess? may just be the strain, meh
  9. mitrehsif

    harvesting hermaphrodite plants?

    I do not see any hermaphrodite characteristics past the bottom five nodes of the plants...could i possibly top these hermie plants and discard the bottoms? Would the tops still be hermie? if not ill just isolate
  10. mitrehsif

    cloning a hermaphrodite

    If you were to take clones off a hermaphrodite plant, would all of the clones possess the hermie trait? Would it make a difference if the parent was a full-blown hermie as opposed to a hermie with few male traits?
  11. mitrehsif

    harvesting hermaphrodite plants?

    ive found a few hermies amongst my females and decided to isolate them in an outdoor plot. Does anyone know how much bud would be lost to seed production and if harvest time would be shorter? can I pick the balls of these plants... or is that just a myth?
  12. mitrehsif

    hiding plants in a hole

    Just wondering if anyone knows of a material that lets lots of sunlight through but you cannot see through it from above? maybe some sort of canvas. I'm thinking about digging large hole in the ground and putting something overtop to conceal my plants. Any thoughts...