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  1. Mysticlown150

    Help with fungus gnats.

    Yea dish soap worked wonders for me. Killed every single adult and I put some Diatomaceous earth on the top layer of soil for the larvae. So far so good.
  2. Mysticlown150

    Gnats and Mites, how fuq'd am I ?

    I'm also battling fungus gnats but thankfully not spider mites. I mixed water with dawn dish soap and it pretty much killed every single adult gnat. Than I sprinkled Diatomaceous earth all over the top of my soil to kill the larvae. Not sure if the dish soap will affect the taste but I doubt it...
  3. Mysticlown150

    Help with fungus gnats.

    Thanks everyone
  4. Mysticlown150

    Help with fungus gnats.

    So I got a fresh batch of fungus gnats with my fox farm soil. I transplant my 5 plants into new pots and into the fox farm soil. I inspect it a few minutes later to see 1 little gnat dig down into the soil right after I finished transplanting. So I sprinkled some Diatomaceous Earth on the soil...
  5. Mysticlown150

    300 w Mars hydro

    Who are you and why would I care if you are happy or not with the switch to cobs. All I'm saying is that every person has a right to which light they want to use. Don't tell me that I have 0 know how. I know enough about them and smart enough not to use them. If cree cobs were so good a lot more...
  6. Mysticlown150

    Help with fungus gnats.

    I had to do something. What did you want me to let them breed so they could get out of control? Yea not gonna happen. rather kill them now and kill the larvae off when the DM comes. Thanks for the info. I just ordered some.
  7. Mysticlown150

    Help with fungus gnats.

    So I noticed fungus gnats in my soil this morning. Read somewhere that dish washing liquid mixed with water kills them. So I mixed up a batch and sure enough every single one of them was dead 2 minutes later. This is my first grow in almost 10 years and the first time I've ever seen them. My...
  8. Mysticlown150

    Northern light auto 13 weeks

    Took 4 months from seed to weed. Time to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
  9. Mysticlown150

    Day/night temps bud production???

    Yea why not? Don't let your dreams be dreams man.
  10. Mysticlown150

    Nirvana Seed Bank never again

    Bugs, mold and shit from your yorkshire terrier doesn't mean nirvana caused your hermies, It in fact means YOU probably caused your hermies. You said that nirvana produces hermies and still can't give me proof, again your yorkshire terrier doesn't count because it had nothing to do with nirvana...
  11. Mysticlown150

    300 w Mars hydro

    What do you think everyone here is an electrician? Do you think everyone has the time and patience and skill to go out and make COB's? What fantasy world are you living in? But I digress, if you want everyone to have COB's then make a whole bunch of them and give them out for free. End of debate...
  12. Mysticlown150

    300 w Mars hydro

    LOL! Yeah if you're willing to punch holes in my grow room and patch them back up every time I need it patched and also if you're willing to give me extra money every month to cool my grow room with an A/C then I'll use you're HID lights. But if you aren't willing to do this then stop suggesting...
  13. Mysticlown150

    Day/night temps bud production???

    No you'll still get a pound
  14. Mysticlown150

    Nute burn with pics. Help!

    Look mike, first you need to change that avatar pic like you said you would (remember that?), its atrocious. Second don't hate on LED.Half of these grows and posts on this website would still show stupid CFL rigs and people asking how to cool their grow room temps in the summer due to their hps...
  15. Mysticlown150

    Whacha think about these Blue Dream Girls?

    Nice pics. I always tell people stop hating on Mars Hydro and this is why.
  16. Mysticlown150

    Screwed up auto flower

    See the thing with Autos is that you actually want to plant them in the biggest pot that you have space for. So If you have space for a 5 gal plant the freshly germinated seed in the 5 gal pot. That pot looks way to small and even if you left it out in the sun all day long it wouldn't have...
  17. Mysticlown150

    Nute burn with pics. Help!

    So you calling LED lighting weird?
  18. Mysticlown150


    Well I just dumped my free nirvana seeds that I've had laying around. Not gonna waste my time after seeing this.
  19. Mysticlown150

    A CFL and auto journal (newb)

    Good stuff, I'll be following your grow.
  20. Mysticlown150

    Male plants

    Too early to tell.