Well-Known Member
That's awesome! Sounds good! THC strength is big for me right now since this is for personal use and to kind of show my buddy's up since they laugh in my face for buying autos saying they will be weak and tiny as fuck, Im hoping I can get this shit potent as hell first then I wanna work on the bud size
what size pots are they in
1 when u water go around the outside in ....that way the whole thing gets soaked
2 the seedling plants .....1 quart of water every 2 days
3 to get high THC u need bud candy and honey from humbolt
4 to get thickness u need to stay on top of watering demands and do a mix of bloom organic and chemical bloom
5 your flowering plant is about to leave the site building stage going into weight building ........this is the time u would hit hard with 9 mls of organic bloom and 10 mls of tiger bloom 10 mls of bud candy and 6 mls of honey( repeat the organic parts each water and the tiger bloom only 1 time a week ) u might tho in 5 or 7 mls of grow 1 time every 2 weeks
6 the go box would be bloom bio bud and liqiud fish with a shot of grow
bloom 10 mls
bio bud 5 mls
liquid fish 5 mls
grow 5 mls