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  1. K

    Dutch Master product line questions

    You dont use Potash+ with gold so just zone and silica and add.27
  2. K

    Mottled yellow spots, leaf damage

    lack of cal not mag
  3. K

    nothing serious, but what you think?

    Are you spraying them with anything?
  4. K

    Plants are really stunted, older leaves are discolored and dying, leaves feel papery?

    Whats your ph and what have you been feeding.The spots could be cal def. but with no pic's cant be sure do you use cal-mag
  5. K

    Mag Deficiency?

    cal mag will fix it but it is cal def.
  6. K

    Help me!

    Looks like nutrient burn whats yor ppm and ph. i would cut back on the nutrients a little
  7. K

    Help me!

  8. K

    early flowering strains that are potent

    I bet you would like it to produce 5 lbs per. plant at 4 foot tall.When you find it let me know.